Here's an example.
I made mine too. =)
Here's the form. I'll take 3 orders per week. =D
<33 Go ahead and pm me with the form, I might not check the entry for awhile, so pming would be best.
First come first serve. <3
Three main colors:[b]
Do you want a header:
Font style: i.e cursive, fat, bold, bubbly, horror.. etc.
If so, what would you like it to say:
Online/offline custom buttons:
Message/trade/ignore/add custom buttons:
Where do you want your comments?:
Is there anything you don't want? i.e Multimedia, signature,friends,journal etc.
Any designs? i.e spiders, webs, hearts, stars etc.
Do you have a specific picture you'd like for a BG?
Font color:[/b][/align][/size][/color]
Three main colors:[b]
Do you want a header:
Font style: i.e cursive, fat, bold, bubbly, horror.. etc.
If so, what would you like it to say:
Online/offline custom buttons:
Message/trade/ignore/add custom buttons:
Where do you want your comments?:
Is there anything you don't want? i.e Multimedia, signature,friends,journal etc.
Any designs? i.e spiders, webs, hearts, stars etc.
Do you have a specific picture you'd like for a BG?
Font color:[/b][/align][/size][/color]