![User Image](https://i420.photobucket.com/albums/pp284/Malbien/Mota/MotaArmor-1.png) Username: Zeda Ennd.
Name: Nn Yvv.
Aliases: Seven-Thirty-Three (733).
Age: 19.
Gender: Female.
Sexuality: Not sure.
Blood Type: O+
Ethnicity: Lebanese/Italian.
Birth Date: September 18th.
Relationship Status: Private.
Unique characteristics: Universal power symbol on nape of neck and [AbumpS] beneath it.
Crimes: Convinced her fellow classmates were trying to kill her, she brutally murdered three friends after school.
Personality/Motivation: Surprisingly, she's quite lax in nature. Generally pretty happy, but she has mood swings on occasion that can be anywhere between the fetal position in a puddle of vomit and tears, to a homicidal rampage. So.. She's a bit unstable. Doesn't want to die.
Dreams and Fears: Dreams of not being someplace where everyone is a murdering psychopath like the people who tried to murder her. Fears death.
Biography: Family got done in when she was wee. Lived in foster care. Left foster care. Traveled. Got paranoid. Settled in Eastern Washington. Paranoia escalated. s**t hit the fan. She's found in her classroom with three eviscerated students scattered about. Popular vote was a death sentence. Plea was insanity.
Theme: Lord of the Rings by Minamita Goodsong
/ Combat / Daylight by Yesterday's New Quintet
/ Combat / Buttersauce by Minamita Goodsong
Other: Fajita. Not really any sort of princess, but a compelling sense of not-wanting to-be-murdered managed to get her some protection in the form of heavily armored regalia. (Smuggled in by an unknown party and delivered to her by a team of security personnel.) The crown is ornamental. Along with it came a large axe that she uses as her main defense.
The respective guild.
Zeda Ennd · Fri Nov 04, 2011 @ 07:08am · 0 Comments |