Current Status:
Name: Cachitin
Race: Human
Age: 14
Weapons: None
Powers: None
Inventory: $10
Soul: Pure
Weakness: ?
Strongness: ?
Desire: None
Chapter 2:
I awoke the morning to find out that everything looks normal, everything is perfectly normal. Was it a dream or soething else, must be that I was too tired to think yesterday. Today, school was ready to start. I saw my parents this morning to greet them good morning. My dad took me to school and there I would ask my friend the question. At school, I was feeling a little lighter than before, my eyes felt like popping out. I knew my body felt a weird presence somewhere.
Maranda, my friend, says she can interprete dreams. Is that true? I went to ask here something about that. My friend is really Hald vampire and half Demon, but still, she is a good friend to me.
Maranda's Status:
Name: Sar Marionette
Race: Half Vampire, Half Demon
Weapons: Twin blades, Scyth, Long sword
Age: 15
Home: Purgatory; Lives on Earth for no reason
Powers: Mostly mental, can teleport, Create portals, and use the shadows for own purposes
History: Mystery, doesn't like to talk about it...all is bloody
Weakness:Light and gets distracted when sees's blood sometimes
Powerful: Darkness
Form: When angrey or wanting to fight eyes go black. Grows one black angel wing and one white angel wing. Then grows sharp claws, a tiger tail, and tiger ears.
Desire: To help people and keep order in the universe. And also to take revenge.
Me: Maranda? Did you see the sky yesterday night? It weirded me out.
Maranda: No, why? Was it even important?
Me: Yeah, I was hoping that I could ask you if you felt any kind of Demon Aura of some kind, I kno there are about 7 days until 666 but I would really know what you know.
Maranda: I'm not sharing any information to the likes of you. It is a demon secret twisted
Me: I'll give you $10 dollars....
Maranda: Ok!
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