Time to rant again. This time, it's about the people that want to destroy GD.
Here's a list first, of why you're right.
1] The material isn't PG-13, most of the time. 2] There tends to be a lot of arguements there. 3] People in GD don't seem to get that they're not liked by others because the things they talk about aren't "PG-13".
Here's the reasons why you should leave it alone, and/or get a life.
1] If you think it's interpropriate, WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN THERE IN THE FIRST PLACE?! 2] If you don't like it, then leave, it's not against the law you know. 3] The people that do talk in there like to talk in there, so you should just let them talk about whatever they want, I know I do. 4] The CB is a lot worse than the GD. If you want to fix something, fix the CB first. stare 5] The GD is a place where you can state your oppinion and such without getting riddiculed by the others on the site. It's not that bad! God...
Start thinking before you say, "I think this forum should get deleted because..." that's like me saying, "I think CB should get deleted because I'm tired of people cheating for gold!" What's wrong with you people?! My God!!!
GOOD DAY TO YOU!!! domokun
X -Hot_Pink_Horror- X · Wed Jun 21, 2006 @ 10:50pm · 0 Comments |