Ok. This post is all about how life can really stick it to you sometimes, like when you least expect it. So here goes.....
My sister has been having some trouble with her system lately, as in her uterus and ovaries. Turns out she has 3 cysts on her ovaries and will have to get them removed very soon or they could rupture and kill her. So they will either burn them off or have to do some sort of surgery. She'll most likely be having whichever procedure done sometime soon after the new year.
As if things couldn't be worse.....
Turns out that my mother has had several things wrong with her that she told no one about and never got taken care of. She also has had troublw with cysts in her 20's and 30's. SHe's had them removed and has been ok in that department. A few years ago she was having pains and whatnot so she saw a doctor and they told her she may very well have some rare form of cancer, but where in her body they weren't exactly sure. At the time my mom couldn't afford to get this special test done so all this time she's let it go.
Well the past few weeks she's been having trouble again. She's had stomach pains, hot flashes, wierd periods etc. She assumed she was just hitting menopause since the women in my family seem to hit it early (she's 42). So while she took my sister to the doc she saw the doc too. After the doc looked my mom over and heard the things that have happened lately she's afraid it IS cancer and it's not looking good. The doc is pretty worried. By now it could very well be all through her body since it's been a few years.
So my mom is finally getting the test done she should've gotten a few years ago and that will tell her if it's cancer and what type/location in her body. I believe she's getting it done after the new year as well since Dec. is about over.
So there you have it. If my sister doesn't get the cysts taken care of she could die and my mom is most likely already dieing, without alot of hope. I mean, we all know how cancer can be and what chemo can do to you.
There's my wonderful life right now in a nutshell. Very few of us know what's going on which makes it rough. I can't talk to any family and get comfort. So I turn to my friends, irl and on gaia. I may need some serious support from people if I find out it's the worst.
I know death is a part of life, that's just the way it is....But I've already lost one parent too early, I really don't want to lose the other one early as well.....
Until next time america.....
~ NIHL ~ · Wed Dec 15, 2004 @ 07:27pm · 2 Comments |