uuummmm..... i ran into a door 2day frgot LOTS OF HMK!!! triped LOTS OF TIMES left my bra in the MIDDLE OF a class room i had to change and it fell out of my bag and it was in the middle of the class and the teacher held it up and asked if it was n e ones (and embarrising and STUPID!) fell down stairs broken glasses plates bowls spoons forks AND light hamburgers on fire drank spoiled milk riped my pants i acedentaly have poked myself in the eye ive burd my hair, wax, paper, book, and a straw ive acedental given myself a weggie (got cault on the door handle) ive gotten kicked out of an ice rink fr throwing an m&m on the ice AND have slamed the door and brok a pic. hanging on the wall (glass broke) and i didnt even talk about my slippin and the SHATTER PROOF TABLE shattered all over me and cut up my arms
im a silly person whee ( i have LOTS more)
plumpfuji · Community Member · Sat Oct 02, 2004 @ 05:29am
yeah u r silly cuz!
*broken plates also. * fell off alpine slide thing and got scar from it. *dress up as a freaky crazy tourist from some where for no appaent reason.
*dressed up as pippi long stocking. *at te tim i was secretly helping ppl become toilt paper mummies. *i became a mumm and ppl draw all over the toilet papr that i was covered in. *i started a paper shred fight. (when i came home from it. my parents were like "allison why do u hve paper shredd in ur hair and up ur sleeves?"lol) *on vacation i visited alex and we went to costume store and we would wear funky costumes and show everybody we knew. *i fell randomly on accident 5 times while i was roller sating(my friends birthday party was roller skating ring. ppl were like "OMG r u ok?" i would say "yeah im cool why?" they said "are u crazy ? u just fell. " * i was in a whip creme fight. i was whip creme monster! RAWR! i have more but ill let someone else post. i might post later.
Cr8zy · Community Member · Sat Oct 02, 2004 @ 05:24pm