ok we were watching an episode of host club and the twins were wearing some black hats(i forgot what episode this was) and ricki popped in the room and said they look like they were wearing pimp hats. everyone agreeded but i just sat there puzzled and sissy finially told me what a pimp hat was. and then we paused the whole thing and ricki left, came back with the same hats the twins were wearing and put one on everyones head and May said, "what? are you all pimps now? i already know that mike and jake are running around with their pants between their knees."and she left. and for some reason from somethin that jake and mike did the other day sissy punched a big ol' hole in the wall and went running after them. then it got really quiet, and suddenly there was a loud sound and jake an' mike were running for cover in a closet. later sissy opened the store wich takes place in the kitchen and dinning room. everyone got dressed for work and we started taking orders to eat. and sissy was cooking in the kitchen when someone came in and wanted to rent the place for a wedding party tomorrow. sissy started to make a sample of every cake she knew how to make and let them sample for wich cake they wanted for the wedding. the next day was the wedding and sissy was cooking in front of alot of people and everyone else was serving the food.(they wanted for sissy to cook live in front of everyone to see how good and quick she could cook for entertainment. afterwards ricki and the band were working on a wedding song and after songs for entertainment. later the wedding was a hit and we all earned over $500,000 for all the hard work!
^_^ lol now how was that?!
Joanime-Chan · Sun Aug 06, 2006 @ 11:01pm · 2 Comments |