
It's what I get when I sign onto MSN.
Rightfully so probaly, considering how far I went off the radar for the past couple of months.. I'm notorious for 'vanishing', but this time it was purposefully, or out of spite/stress.
I actually have a job, and have been working for a long time now.
Amazing isn't it?
I also still attend college (I do intend to graduate after all), and have turned into a regular blue collared working American.
Fun times.
Of course, my slovvish lifestlye has suffered respiratory arrest at the mere concept, and died a quiet death; later buried in the cheapest cemetary I can afford.
My current goal now is to save up enough to actually move out of my parents house and room with someone.
Many people have been wondering where I've gone, considering I was such a hardcore 'no-lifer' and always online.. on Gaia or some such.
Now, seeing me let alone talking with me is a rare sight.
Many changes have happened (or begun to happen) in my absence of course-- and with that the question was still there: 'Where is Ed?'
To this, I can only say sorry.
I was never the type to leave messages or let people know what I'm doing or going to do. I've been a loner for pretty much as long as I can remember. I treat everyone the same when it comes to talking baout myself or my things to do, what have you.
It's bad and I should communicate more.. but.. you know. Bad habits are hard to kick.
I didn't mean to abadon anyone or anything, or 'duties' I had (Leviathan comes to mind). I just ask that you understand sometimes a person has things to take care of and must put other things on hold or keep them away for his/her own good.
A rather poor excuse I know.. but.. well.
Anyways... social life is still there.. barely, but it is there.
Love life? Well.. I'd rather not publicly say at the moment, but I will comment that I am happy as can be, and can only grow more happier. She knows who she is and how she makes me feel when times are tough for me.
I've been staying away from all forms of drama and bullshit and its done me a wonder of good. I'm not so stressed out anymore and I am rather enjoying my new freedom in the world of air and sunshine.
However, the online world is still just as much fun.
I don't really know what I wanted to say in this long-overdue update.. but I suppose this half concieved notion of an apology and notice to all of you will do nicely to fill in the blanks.
A last note, to those in Leviathan specifically, I started a lot, now its up to you people to pick up the pace. And I am glad to see thats whats happening.
A smallshout out to the people on Gaia that matter: Nik, Erinn, Lulu, Steve, Max, B, Alex, Ray, Ben, Josh, Owle, Crystal-- so many others that I can't remember at the moment.
Vahn Fah · Thu Sep 28, 2006 @ 10:05am · 3 Comments |