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Shadows and Skeletons This is where my deepest darkest thoughts are revealed. I show them here so that those who wish to know me will leave me alone.

Community Member
Day after classes
Well today is thursday but it marks my monday of the week. I work thursday through monday so yeah, blah of a day. I had classes tuesday and wednesday and believe me I was glad to be back into the swing of college. My Frontpage class was boring as hell but what can be expected when you stupidly dodge a newbie class and wait to take it again half way through your degree so that you end up being the only experienced peson in the class. -shrugs- My flash II action scripting class was pretty good but you can only do so much when the school orders the wrong book two ******** times in a row. I tell you they are pathetic when it comes to that. Wednesday morning I had my ARDSA or e-commerce class as we call it. I enjoyed it greatly and having three classes with the same teacher isn't as bad as I thought it would be. Rob is a really kewl teacher and he's actually treating me like a graphics designer instead of a newbie now. Being halfway through his course surely he'd be treating me halfway normal right?

Wednesday after class I was asked out to lunch by Chris. I accepted and we went to a chinese buffet. We talked about politics and shockingly I enjoyed it. I hate politics but we shared so many similar views it was scary. I think he's coming around and growing up a bit. He's a sweet person but I honestly can't see him any more than a friend. We went to the mall after that and with a quick hug I was off back home. I get home beating the bad storm that waged throughout the night and played with my two cats Kato and Yuri for a few minutes before getting on the internet and of course...fighting with my ex.

I love him still but I just cannot stand how he treats me...he belittles me...he is...he's just not the kind of person that I need to be around but I'm so addicted to him that I'm afraid to leave him completely. Am I really a terrible person for feeling this way? I also hung out with jason a friend of mine and actually got a call from brad. It was scary hearing his voice for the first time but it was sweet and we talked for a while really enjoying ourselves. I'm glad he called me and I look forward to talking to him again.