Weee… Ok im sorry everyone but I though I should advertise my event im running and seeing if any of you wanted to join. Basically its an avi hallowwen contest. Here are the details:
*~*Iris Halloween*~*
First Prize: May. 2006 Donation letter Second Prize: Oct 2006 Donation Letter Third Prize: ?????? Prizes can change depending on donations
Iris Halloween Contest Links- Guild ChatterBox Halloween Threads((not open))
For Halloween the Iris guild would like to throw a Avi Contest. This Contest will have three different links. The one in the guild, one in the regular forums and the one in the Halloween forums if there is any. We accept all donations for this event because we want to be able to get the best items for our winners.
Its simple. You will send of your complete form to Child_of_iris. After we receive your letter we will pm you if anything is wrong or to comfirm that we have gotten your letter. We will also send you a link to the main thread so that you can check up on your status.
Here are the Forms for the contest:
Quote: Contest Pic: Gaian Name: Avi name: Description: Character- Outfit- Donation: example of completed form:Quote: contest pic:  Gaian Name: Child_of_iris Avi Name: Adara Halloween Character- Adara is the spirit of iris.. blah blah blah Outfit- ((basically items on the character)) Black Strapless Bra, Morganas Hat, Red Ruby Vinyl Strap Top, Blush Taj Shoes, G-LOL Dark Mistress Skirt, Lunar Cowl, Whip of Fire, CoCo Kitty Plushie Donations: ((can be money or items))
There will be a First Place, Second and Third. People will vote for the number of the Person they like!
Questions and Answers:
Q: How do i vote for someone? Its simple.. bascially in one of your posts you vote for the avi you like! Just put their number... or name if you want
Q: Numbers? @.@ Yah the numbers next to the character
#1 &- see right here
Q: Can i add more then one avi? heh no... that would be unfair im sorry
Q: can i vote more then once? No please dont.....
Q: How do i tell how many votes i have? Underneith your entry there will be a number. That will tell you how many people voted for you!
#1 Votes: 2
More questions and answers will be added when we need them too &&
Rules are simple, just do what is told above >< And for the chatting away to get the halloween Items, please dont bump, actaully talk to each other and please leave cussing to a min. Thats all I hope you guys enjoy this contest.
Contestants :
#1 Votes:
Gaian Name: Deorc Avi name: Eldak Description: Character- Eldak is a half blood kitsune who has been trained to be a ninja. He uses his training and his keen fox senses to fight his enemies. Outfit- Steel-plated Ninja Band, Zorro Mask, Chyaku Norisu Scarf, Warm Punk Starter Top, Those Black 90's Gloves, Black Leather Belt, Ahhrr!! Poopdeck Britches, Fox Tail, Two Ancient Katana's (one mounted on side and one held in hand), and Red Flame Shoes Donation: 900 Thankyou Deorc -Ishira Tsubasa
#2 Votes:
Gaian Name: JackFrost2285 Avi name: Indiana Jack Description: Character- Indiana Jack enjoys going on adventures and finding lost artifacts to donate to museums. With his trusty whip by his side he is ready for anything from huge boulders to crazy temple cults Outfit- Western Style, White Musketeer Shirt, Rawhide Suede Jacket, Brown Loose Cotton Cargo Pants, Black Leather Belt, Silver Pocket Watch, Black Goth Boots-M, Whip of Ice
Donation: May Donation Letter Thankyou Jack- Ishira tsubasa
#3 Votes:
Gaian Name: mysticrayn Name: Mistress of shadow Character- she is Night Shadows partner and sidekick in the war against evil.... she is an apprentice assassin on the world of Praclarush Tayonas
#4 Votes:
Gaian name: night of chaos name: shadow night character- assassin on the world of Praclarush Tayonas
Other Donations:
XXelementXX- 900 gold Ishira Tsubasa- October Donation Letter Deorc- 900 mysticrayn- 100 nights of chaos- 100 Deorc- 1100
Ishira Tsubasa · Wed Oct 25, 2006 @ 03:07pm · 1 Comments |