I just get home from a football game-and I had a lot of fun well up to the point 'till the end. After me and some other band people put everything away and ready to close for the night-some people asked if me and my boyfriend were going to go get some pizza. well my mom and grandma where right there when they asked so of corse I ask my boyfriend and he said yes he'd just have to call his dad to tell him-then I asked my grandma-('coz my mom can't drive) if WE as in Me and my BoyFriend! can go. she looks at me and says "no,sorry not tonight". ok that's fine no big deal-ya know. so we head home. Right after we get to me boyfriends house and we say good night...My granda says where is the pizza place and I'll take you there. that just made me so mad stressed she knows me and my boyfriend like never get to spend time with each other never less see one another that much-and the whole point of even wanting to go was to be with my B.F. longer-but no she only wanted to take me-not my B.F. exclaim so I just acted like I didn't care and said "no I just want to go to bed" so here I am (just not in bed) wahmbulance I just can't belive that scream but then again I can I mean she dose hate him-(but only becouse he's half mexican) honist idea and so I deal with it the best way I know how-and I know once my love reads this if I don't get to realy tell him first he will be tiwce as mad as I am right now xp domokun evil twisted scream stressed
Name:Staying Calm.
AllMightyAlty · Sat Nov 04, 2006 @ 05:50am · 1 Comments |