gonk Alright...I'm sick of drawing random pics that don't appeal much to meh 3nodding So from now on I will only draw pics that I shall call my "Omega Pics" blaugh I hope it goes well xD So these will consist of many hours of work and effort ^^ No matter how much I may find it hard to do, and bonus I will sketch lightly 3nodding . More, I will even scan em onto my comp (somehow lol) and try to photoshop em 3nodding Oh yeah!~ Now...just to start mrgreen .
*sigh* Anatomy practice is boring and sends strange feelings LMAO sweatdrop didn't need to say that xDDD Funny though cause I could just avoid typing it, I guess I do want people to know eh? wink But honestly gonk Drawing naked chicks is wrong! gonk scream Not that I add detail but... xD whatev!
More important news:
OMG! SECRET HASN'T ARRIVED YET gonk なぜ ここ に 行きませんか!?
-XxKuroi_MomoxX- Community Member |
Community Member
( freaking kieland )