The voice has startled him. He stays calm, but his heart is jumpy, fluttering in his chest. He does the only thing that comes to mind. He reaches out a scratched, bloody hand. The man on the ground takes it and the samurai hoists him up, surprised by how light the huge mass of pulpy man feels. The once-hated enemy doesn;t speak, but he stares ino the eyes of the samurai. The look, deep and whitherd seems to say 'thank you'. The samurai bows, wishing to respect the warrior that put up such a good fight, and then sprints to the darkened forrest. He pulls his sword from his sling and swipeds a ferocious cut at any vine that dangles in his way. He is picturing Ai's sweet face, aching for the tender touch of his mother. It takes hours, but to his restless mind it feels like seconds. Soon he is out of the forest, gulping down fresh, sweet air, for his lungs are filled with forrest musk. He can spot his village on the hillside. Still, it is a day's walk at least. He runs, the adrenaline pumping outragiously through his veins, his heart is heavy and sore, but he is managing. Before he knows it, he is down the hillside and bursting through the gate that skirts the village. Beyond the gate sits Ai, curled up and daydreaming under a cherry blossom tree. Just as he imagined, he sweet brown eyes are filled with saddness. He rushes to her side, she looks up, eyes brimming with tears. The smell of fish and salt from the lake becomes sharp and clear. His Mother steps form the doorway and her eyes grow wide. Ai flings herself to him and whispers "You were missed..."
again...ill finish it later domokun
[~dAnDy aCorN~] · Thu Jan 11, 2007 @ 11:47pm · 0 Comments |