A broken heart can only be mended by the person who broke it.
Bus Stories..Jan. 7 - Jan. 12, Year: 2007
This week on the afternoon bus ride home....
MONDAY: (Let's see if I remember...) Okay....Taylor thinks Evan and Rob are a cute gay couple. Chelsea and I were talking about something on the weekend and it was about Scott and I printed it out to show Taylor and I showed it to her on the bus and Scott wanted to know since it was about him so... Scott wanted the note SO bad that he did everything he could to get it. so... He asked Taylor and she said "why don't u sit next to her and find out?" he thought it was about me liked him. I told him that was not it and I told him and he had the most funniest face! Then he hit me on the knee hard. (Girly slap)
TUESDAY: Before to bus- I was walking with Chelsea to her locker (which she could not open) and Scott stopped and talked to us. I know that if I were not there he would have not talked to Chelsea. (No offence Chelsea.) Did you think he came over because I was there?
We (Scott, Evan, Taylor and I) went to see the Bach Choir at noon and this guy sang REALLY high and we think he is gay. The good part was/is Scott was on the bus with me! But he did not sit next to me.
WEDNESDAY: Nothing exciting…except Taylor and Scott were fighting and I took Taylor backpack. She got mad.
THRUSDAY: I was hanging with the boys (Rob, Evan and Scott) and we just started talking and I started talking about Soham. And they think he likes me and they think I like Danny (8-5) OMG! I know Scott will forget… and Evan…well, he might or might not….
FRIDAY: Nothing exciting except a few other eighth graders came on our bus. Also, Scott was ignoring me the whole day! I tried to talking to him in class but he was not listening….. All he does it talk to Olivia, Alyssa, Ashley and Dhanu during break and it the beginning of class. {Tears are in my eyes as I write this because we are good friends, and I like him and I don’t want our friendship to end because I don’t know why he is not talking to me.}