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Ghost Hunting at Raynham Hall Museum (Part 1) Welcome!
Today, my dad took me and Spinda to the Raynham Hall Museum in Oyster Bay. Oyster Bay is a nice little town with alot of small stores and this really big plant like thing with big oil tanks...at least I think thats what they were... sweatdrop . Anywho, it was really nice there. But our main reason was to visit the old colonial Raynham Hall Museum that was once owned by the Townsen family back in the 1700s and then was owned by the Raynham family in the 1800s. It's supposedly the most haunted place-some people are to afraid to even go inside! Even my dad didn't want to go in at first!
We got to Oyster Bay 'round 2pm or so. Spinda was in my pocket (I didn't want dad to know that I brought him!). When we got there, I was soooo happy! It wasn't what I expected it to be but it was good enough for me. It was like a white stone house with two floors, had really old windows with wax figures inside, had a giant green door with a seemingly old door knob and had a sign on it that read "Raynham Hall Tours. Ring Door Bell and Please Wait". So-I did what the sign said, I rang the door bell and waited-for about 5 minutes. "Hmm...must be closed" I said to myself. Then I looked at the sign on the front lawn, it read "Raynham Hall Museum. Open 1pm. Closes 5pm" and under that sign hung another one that read "Closed". "Aww man! It can't be closed!" I wasn't about to give up! Then, I saw a sign on the lawn that said "Office" and had an arrow under it pointing to the left. I followed it, and found the office. I saw a woman in there on a computer. I knocked on the door and got her attention. I asked if the place was closed, she said that it was open and asked me if I had rung the door bell. When I told her yes, she told me to go ring the door bell again and that she would meet me at the front door.
So, I rang the door bell (again) and waited for her to come. About a minute or less passed by and she finally opened the door and let me in. When I entered I saw these two young girls. As I entered I noticed that there was a room with a wax figure in it that was blocked by a small grey metal gate. Then the lady that let me in the house went to sit at a small desk that had some pamphlets on it and a map or two. Then I noticed a sign that read "Fee Entry. Kids under 6 free. Adults $4. Students and Seniors $3". I didn't realize that there was a fee to pay, so I made a face of embrassement. "Uh, you didn't know that there was an entry fee, did you?" the lady asked me. "No" I said. "Yeah, alot of people think that there is no entry fee, don't feel bad" she said. Then my dad came in and paid the lady.
While we were waiting for the tour to start, the lady and the two girls walked to another room and told us to follow. Then we stoppped into this hallway that had a gift shop, a room with a wax figure (which scared the crap out of me! crying ), had a bunch of colonial funature in it and a grey metal gate.

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