ok I have these characters for a gifted school. tell me what you think!
Name: Charlotte Brinksly Age: 16 Sex: F Sexuality: Straight Bio: Growing up a freak was extremly hard for Charlotte. Her family sent her to Verona School for the Highly Gifted because they wanted to get rid of her and her twin brother Dane. She can be very sensetive to anything (or anyone) that bugs her. Trust me do not mess with her. Dorm #: 1 Power: Telepahty, invisability Other: Has twin brother named Dane.
Name: Dane Brinksly Age: 16 Sex: M Sexuality: Straight Bio: Basicaly the same as his sister. Dane's parents thought that he was a freak, so they kept him in his room for most of his life. Dorm #: 3 Power: super speed, invulnerability Other: Has twin sister named Charlotte.
Name: Cameron Dantil Age: 17 Sex: M Sexuality: Straight Bio: Even though his parents accepted him, he still had a hard life. He had to hide who he was because he thought that people would think he was a freak. Dorm #: 3 Power: Super Strength, can walk through walls Other: (none really)
MissHermioneWeasley · Sat Feb 17, 2007 @ 02:34am · 1 Comments |