Some stuff I buy is here. My randosig is temporarily in my about me section of my profile. Please check that out to see some random pets not in my journal. Or, visit my pet page!
Links to some of my Writing
Well, I used to play this game called dransik for a long time. Dransik was bought by a company named TKO who changed the name. Also.... soon as the ink was dry on their purchase of the game, they fired all the devs on board, didn't hire anymore and screwed over many of the players. However, I really enjoyed the community there. I began writing two sets of fan fics for it. The first set is a lot longer and more comprehensive. At one time, I had a diskette with all my outlines and stories and stuff on it. Somehow in the process of moving out of my mom's and into my own place.. i lost it. that really killed my story. it just wasn't the same.