A wicked wand....a story of magic chapter thirteen
Leeley woke up.....totally refreshed and happy to have the visions off of her chest, she didn't remember the vision of her father at all, She was overjoyed....until she heard the screaming.
Tebias rushed outside as soon as he heard everyone in the town screaming, as he left his room he ran into the others, hey devon, he said, wheres leeley?....i don't know, devon replied, but she had better get out her...he was interrupted, i'm here, said leeley. and they all rushed outside.
Natalia was screaming at the top of her lungs, she was in a magic bubble, being crushed. she saw all of her friends in the crowd with the city people, they were pulling out these weird sticks....and then she heard the words that would save her, everyone in unison said MAGIC!!!! and the battle started.
hey sorry...i didn't notice this was such a short chapter.... sweatdrop