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User Image Walls around my heart that can't be knocked down by force, but of pure love.
Dreams of the Sea. Chapter. 1
Ok...this is a stopry I am starting of the one..and only....GREAT CAPTAIN NOYA!!!!
She is a character i have made up and i love her so much! heart blaugh She rocks! So....for a writing contest for school I have decided to enter a Captain Noya chapter so i can spread the world and start her adventures! So... If you guys wanted to read it..be my guest. XD And please leaved comments so i can make it better.

Captain Noya- One name- one legend
Dreams of the Sea: Chpt. 1

“So…what brings a girl like you, to my tavern?” A man asked a young lady as he leaned on the bar table. The girl removed her gaze from the door and looked at the tavern owner asking her that question.
The young lady looked kind of different from the other girls in the village, She was wearing a completely black dress except on the rims of the dress was white. She had fair colored skin and blood red beating eyes that would make a bull back away from her. She had long white glistening hair that cut off to her waist, and to end her style she had two black blades that were attached to her waist belt.
The girl gave the man a short nod with a small smile. “Just here for business, mister.” She told him as she placed a coin on the table toward him. ”One glass of rum please.” She asked him. The man nodded his head and went to get her drink.
After awhile he finally came back with a glass filled to the top with the foam, fizzing at the top. “Here ya are.” He told her as he placed the glass right next to her. The girl nodded her head in thanks as she wrapped her fingers around the handle of the glass and pulled it towards her.
The man smiled at her. “Anyways, The name is Jerri, miss.” He introduced with a nod of his head. “So you no longer need to call me Mister.” He told her. The girl nodded her head at him.
“Charmed.” She said. As she took one sip out of her glass of sweet, cold, and tingling taste of rum going down her throat. She then placed the glass back on the edge of the bar as she looked back at the man.
“And the name is Noya, so you no longer need to call me miss.” Noya told him in the same voice as he did to her. Jerri just rolled his eyes as he took an empty glass and started to clean the glass, glistening in the light that was streaming down from the window next to him as he smoothed his rag across it.
“Well you sure got some attitude young lady.” He told her with a slight grin as he finished his glass and went to the next.
Noya looked up at him as she finished stealing another sip at her drink. She couldn’t help but smile lightly to the old man. “Sorry about that, it’s my nature.” She told him with a small apology and continued to look down at the bar table. She cringed a few times to herself as she felt eyes from the men in the tavern burning on her back, while once in a awhile she heard some whistling.
Jerri looked toward the direction where he heard the whistling and then back to the girl. “So…you are here for some business? Why kind of business, if you don’t mind me asking.” He asked her as he put his other glass down and then rested his elbows on the table as he leaned toward the girl to hear her story.
Noya looked back up at the man and say as curiosity was burning in his eyes. What would you expect if you were a mysterious women, in a tavern full of smelly men, and telling the tavern owner that she was here for business.
The girl let out a sigh in distress as her gaze went down to the bar table. Studying every detail and aspect of the table as she was trying to think of what words to say to the man. As she was thinking she noticed a lot of things on the table. She saw many drink stains and food stains on it. She rolled her eyes to herself thinking that’s what you would expect mostly in a tavern, to have lots of stains by disrespectful men. She then also noticed many cuts across the table and imprints like something was pushed into it very hard. She thought that it was from many out breaks in the tavern when the men started to fight and make a mess out of it. She couldn’t help but smile to herself thinking that this place had some history, and some fun.
The man cocked an eyebrow as he saw the girl trace her fingers across his bar table and not answering to his question. He sighed to himself with annoyance as he kept his gaze on the girl. “Well? You going to answer me or no?” He asked her as he waited for an answer.
Noya shot her head backup in reality and looked at the man. She felt as her cheeks turned a light pink in embarrassment. “Sorry.” She muttered to him in apology. The man just shook his head. “Don’t apologize, just tell me what I want to know.” He told her anxious to know what kind of business the women is doing.
She let out a sigh knowing she won’t get herself out of this. She reached out for her glass and took one more swing at the tangy taste of the cold drink. She placed the glass back down and looked at the man.
“I swear…you are just going to laugh at it.” She told him with a serious stare. The man crossed his arms. “Try me.” He answered her back with a challenging glare. Noya sighed as she closed her eyes. “I am doing a…finding a crew business.” She told the man, not giving him the whole truth.
Jerri cocked an eyebrow at her in confusion at her answer to his question. He leaned back a bit, still a bit curious. “For your captain…right?” he asked her hoping he was right. Noya shook her head with a sigh. “I work for no captain, I am my own captain. And searching for a crew for my ship.” She answered him, regretting that she told him the whole truth. She counted the seconds till the words soaked into his head and then start to burst out laughing.

“HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!” The man screamed in laughter as he reeled his head backward with his hand gripping his belly in laughter. But his laughter was silenced compared to the yelling and laughing going on in the bar already by the men in the room.
Bingo, we’ve set sail. Noya thought to herself with a frustrated sigh as she rested her left hand under her cheek as she rolled her eyes in annoyance at Jerri. Jerri finally finished laughing at the women as he wiped the tears that started to form at the corner of his eyes. Once he did that he looked back at Noya.
“No…. seriously, for your Captain, right? And aren’t women on ships bad luck?” He asked her as one question fell from the next. Noya lifted her head from her hands and looked at the man, eye to eye.
“Yes, I am serious. I am the captain of a ship called “Black Heart”, and I am looking for a crew. And HA! I am bad luck itself! What does it matter if the superstition is true or not.” She answered him as she grabbed her glass once more and took a swing out of it and placed it back down.
The man cocked an eyebrow at the lady from her last statement from his question. But then he just shook his head telling himself that it was her business. And that he shouldn’t know of her reasons for that saying.
He then rested his right arm on the bar table as he leaned closer to Noya so no other man could hear. “Do you think you can get a crew loyal enough to serve you? I mean…no offense or anything but, I believe they would either reject your offer because you’re a women, or they just want to join because your…well…are very attracted to men like them.” Jerri told her, regretting the last part that he said.
Noya looked at him for a while and then sighed as she rolled her eyes. “I don’t know about the whole rejecting thing…because I believe that is not true. But the ‘pretty’ thing…you might have a point. But you see, I have a keen eye. So you don’t need to worry, savvy?” Noya told him with a wink.
Jerri let off a silent sigh as he pressed the palm of his hand to his forehead. “Noya…I am just giving you advice, because I don’t want to see a women like you to get hurt or broken. So I say stop while you can.” Jerri told her as he then removed his hand from his forehead and looked straight in her red eyes. Noya looked back at his stare as she let a sigh escape her lips. “I don’t need you to worry about me…nobody should. I can watch over myself.” She told him as she pushed her chair back and hopped off her seat.
She then looked up at the man and gave him a very small smile. “Thank you for you company, I really enjoyed it.” She told him, and with that she turned around and started to walk out into the crowd of men leaving the tavern owner behind without hearing his good-bye. Jerri released a sigh as he grabbed his apron and started to clean her glass with it. “Good-bye Noya, and good luck with your search.” Jerri wished her and then continued to clean his glass.
Noya scowled to herself as she pushed through the crowd of smelly men as they laughed themselves silly as they drank their Grog or Rum. I can watch over myself thank you very much! She yelled at herself in her mind as she was walking toward the door that would lead her out of the tavern. I’ll go look for people to join my crew elsewhere. She told herself with a nod of her head. I’ll prove him wrong.
Noya was then interrupted in her thoughts and her walking when she was pulled back with a hairy hand on her shoulder and pushed down onto a chair. Noya hit the bottom of the chair with a loud UFF! Her eyes slowly fluttered open and peered up to see who would DARE touch her and throw her onto a chair.
When she looked up she noticed a man who she didn’t know at all. He had messed up brown hair that looked like it hasn’t been brushed in MONTHS. He had a 5 o’clock shadow on his face and black eyes. He was also muscular and had a bad taste in fashion. Noya also noticed that the man in front of her had a gang behind him with about 3 to 5 members.
Noya rolled her eyes at the man in disgust. “How DARE you touch me! You have no right to do so!” She yelled at him with eyes flashing red in anger. The man in front of her just smiled with arms crossed in front of his chest. “We all have the right to do so, girly.” He told her with a smirk.
Noya’s jaw clutched tight in disgust as she stared at the man. “Don’t you DARE call me that, unless you have a death wish!” she told the man with an evil grin. The man just stood there, not saying anything about her remark. All he did was just lean close to the girl faces only inches away. “Your one fine catch girly, and don’t try to scare me…because I know you can’t take us all on.” He told her with a sneer. “So don’t try to talk yourself out of this.” He added.
Noya’s face twisted up in disgust as she felt the man’s warm breath float upon her face. She wanted to move her face so badly because his breath had a ghastly smell. It smelled of rotten eggs and rum mixed in with it. A bad combo.
The man grinned to himself as he saw that the girl was helpless against him. He then leaned over to her ear, “So why don’t you be a good girl and just fellow us out of her and go someplace…nice.” He whispered into her ear. Noya gave herself a silent growl as her fingers silently made way to her waist to get a grab hold of her black blades.
But before she could get a hold of them a new voice came into the scene as a sword was placed on the man’s neck that was leaning over her. “Why don’t you leave the poor lady alone? You can see that she isn’t interested in going with you.” The strangers voice told the man. The man sneered to himself as he wiped his head around to be face to face to the stranger who interfered.
Noya looked over to the stranger also curious to know who would step into the situation. She saw it was another man, around her age, but maybe a bit older. He had red spiky hair and golden eyes. He was wearing a white T-shirt with a brown jacket over it. He also had brown pants with two black belts criss-crossing each other on his waist, and she couldn’t help but think he was kind of cute.
The man snarled at the stranger who had his sword pressed against his neck. “This doesn’t make it your business.” He told him. The stranger looked at the man and back at Noya then back at the man again. “It MAKES it my business when a women is being harassed by someone.” He told him with a small mocking smile. “So I suggest you and your gang better back off or someone is going to get hurt.” He threatened as he tapped the cold steel against the man’s throat. The man sighed as he pulled back from Noya and looked at his men. “Come on boy’s, let’s blow this joint.” He told them as they all headed out the door. The man then turned around to give one last glare at the stranger and then turned around, and disappeared.
Noya growled as she saw the gang walk out of the tavern, she took her chance and got out of the chair that she was pushed in, feeling much better in her freedom. She flexed her fingers across her sleeve to remove any slightest tiny particle that was left of the man that she despised so much. Last, she then retrieved her black blade from the side of her chair and attached it back to her belt with a swift more of her hands.
When the stranger saw that the man was gone for good he then turned his attention to the girl as she finished getting her stuff. He smiled sweetly at her in a greeting. “You alright milady?” He asked her a bit concerned. Noya looked at him and stuck her nose in the air with a big HMPH. “I didn’t ask for your help! I was perfectly fine before you came and helped me.” She told the stranger as she avoided eye contact. “So if you don’t mind…I’ll take my leave.” She added, and with that she headed out the door of the tavern and walked out leaving the stranger behind.
Baffled by her strange manners, the stranger took his chance and followed the girl out of the tavern. He swung his head left to right till he spotted the girl walking through the many crowds of people in the market place. Retrieving his blade to his waist, he took his chance and started to run after the girl. “Miss! Hey Miss!” He called after her as he started to catch up to the girl.
Noya turned around at the voice of the stranger calling after her. She rolled her eyes with a scowl as she stopped walking and turned around to face the stranger. “What now?” She asked him a bit annoyed. When the stranger finally caught up to her he placed his hands on his knees as he started to catch his breath. “Well…if you don’t…mind me saying…but…you should at least thank me…for helping…. a bit.” He huffed as he kept on catching his breath. Noya crossed her arms as her fingers slowly tapped on her elbow feeling impatience.
“Look…For the last time! I didn’t ASK for your help and I didn’t NEED your help! So therefore…I am not THANKING you for something that I didn’t NEED!” Noya told him firmly as she quoted some of her words so he might understand. The stranger cocked an eyebrow as he finally caught his breath and stood up straight. “Well it sure did look like you needed help.” He mumbled to her as he took his left hand and started to scratch the back of his head.
Noya rolled her eyes as she flung her hands in the air wanting to scream bloody murder. “What is it with people and always thinking that WOMEN can’t fight back? They say all were good for is education, being good looking, getting married and baring children!” Noya exploded as she numbered the four on her fingers. She then whipped her head around to have her red eyes facing the man. “I was FINE! I was going to handle it before you came into the picture.” She told him, repeating herself like before.
The stranger raised up his hands in front of him as he tried to calm down the girl. “Ok, ok…I get it. You could have handled it, I understand. I was just trying to help.” He told her a bit surprised at her out burst. He could tell that she wasn’t like any other women that he has meant in the past. “I was just saying…that since no one else in the tavern had the guts to help…I wanted to, savvy?” He told her trying to calm her down and make her understand at the same time.
Noya looked at him for a while, soaking in his words that he has told her for a second and then letting her muscles relax. She couldn’t help but trust the stranger a bit now that he has explained his story. She nodded her head at him. “Well…sorry for the episode back there. So that’s why I am taking my chance in saying…thank you.” She told him, taking a bit hard to say those two words.
The man looked at her a bit pleased that she has finally said her thank you to him. He then, in his most polite way, bowed to the lady. “Your mighty welcome milady.” He told her with a grin as he then straightens his back as he peered back at the girl. He couldn’t help but then notice how beautiful she looks when she smiles in a very sweet way.
Noya nodded her head not taking notice that the stranger was staring at her. “Well…now since THAT is settled…I’ll take my leave.” Noya told him as she gave him a quick bow. “So…see ya!” She told him as she pressed two fingers to her forehead and then pushed them forward in a solute. Once she was done saying her good-bye she turned around and started to walk back into the crowd.
A little confused at the women’s sudden leave he continued to follow her through the crowd. “Miss! Wait! Miss!” He called out to her as he fought his way through the crowd. He made a few bumps on the way, tripping or running into a few people in the crowd. He could see as they were giving him some dirty looks that it looked like one day they were going to come to his house and kill him in his sleep. He could feel as a sweat drop appeared on his forehead. “Eh…. pardon me.” He mumbled to the people in his most polite manner and continued to go after the women.
Noya let out a sigh of annoyance as she heard the man’s voice calling out to her. What does he want NOW? She thought to herself as she crossed her arms and turned around as he waited for the man to come up to her. “What?” she asked him as he finally reached her. “We have no further things to say about what happened in the tavern OR nor we have any business to speak of. SO! As in conclusion…LEAVE ME ALONE!” Noya told him, trying to get it clear in his brain that she no longer wanted to waste her time talking to the man. She had other business to attend to like finding a crew for her ship.
The man looked up at Noya and then couldn’t help but give her a smirk. “Oh on the contrary, milady. I believe so that we do have some business to discuss about.” He told her as he waved his pointer finger in her face. Noya scowled as she slapped her hand at his finger to get it out of her face. “And what is that suppose to mean?” she asked him as she turned her back on the man, not taking interest in what he has to say.
He rolled his eyes in annoyance as he saw the girl turn around on him but he continued in what he wanted to discuss. “In finding a crew business I believe.” He told her with a smirk waiting for her reaction. Noya’s eyes widen in surprise as she turned around giving the man her full attention and curiosity. “H-How do you know?” She asked him. The man just smiled at her as he intertwined his fingers together and rising it up to his chin. “Well…let’s just say I eavesdropped per say.” He told her with a smirk.
Noya rolled her eyes as she flung her arms into the air. “Great! Now we have eavesdroppers,” She mumbled as she turned around back to the man with arms crossed. The man couldn’t help but chuckle to himself in the women’s distress. He then later stopped deciding that it was rude to do that to a woman. “What is your name miss? I haven’t got the chance to ask you that.” He told her with a smile. Noya looked back at him as she cocked an eyebrow. “Wouldn’t you have already figured that out when you eavesdropped on me?” She asked him grinning to herself in pleasure of her own teasing.
The stranger rolled his eyes at the women. “Ok…you got me there. But, the reason why is because I only heard you talking about getting a crew. I didn’t catch your name.” He told her trying to explain. Noya nodded her head with a smile. “I know, I get it. The names, Serake…. Noya Serake.” She introduced herself with a smile. “Now how bout you Mr. Eavesdropper, got a name?” She asked him with a grin. The stranger rolled his eyes with a grin. “Charmed…and the names Helm…Yon Helm.” He introduced with a bow trying to mimic her. Noya nodded her head. “ Nice to meet you Mr. Helm. So…. what about discussing about my crew finding?” She asked him getting right down to business.
Yon then stood up straight after his bow and cleared out his throat as he pointed out a finger at her. “Yon…. I go by Yon. Anyways…I wanted to ask you if you got any members yet.” He told her as he waited for her answer. Noya rolled her eyes at his question. “Does it LOOK like I have any crewmembers yet?” she asked him sarcastically as she pointed next to her giving him a bit of a clue. Yon sweat dropped. “Oh…sorry.” He mumbled to her as he placed his hand back t his side.
Noya rolled her eyes. “What are you trying to say to me?” She asked him wanting to get this over with.
She is tried of this village.
Tired of standing around.
And EXSPECIALLY tired of being surrounded by mumbling idiots.
Yon looked at her and then cleared his throat out once more. “I wanted to ask you if I could join your crew.” He told her and little bit flinching back waiting for her reaction. Noya paused with her mouth-gapped open wide.
Is he serious?!?! She thought to herself very surprised. Out of all the hard times she had of men telling her that she would be unsuccessful in finding a crew and no man would respect and take her seriously, all of a sudden, this man…this ONE man, came out of the blue, and asked if he could join. “Are…are you serious?” She asked him shocked at his question. Yon slowly then relaxed after when he say how shocked the women was. He couldn’t help but have more confidence in asking the women this question since he saw the shock on her face.
He nodded his head as he leaned forward and grabbed her hand in his and held it in front of his face. “Why would I lie to a beautiful women?” He told her as he leaned forward and placed a soft and passionate kiss on top of her hand and pulled back with a smile on his face toward the women.
Noya could feel as blood pulsed through her body once his lips touched her cold tan skin. She couldn’t bare the humanity if she was caught blushing at a man that she barely knew. So the only thing she could think of was to pull back her hand turn around so that her back was facing him with arms crossed. “HA! Don’t try to flatter me so you can just join this crew.” She told him sounding serious and not trying to give away her sudden emotions.
Yon just grinned as he took back his hand, not saying anything of the sudden reaction of the women. “Do beg my pardons Noya, I was only but speaking the truth.” He told her with a wink, even though she wasn’t even looking. Noya just rolled her eyes feeling herself blush even more. “Can we go back into talking about crew joining or not?” she told him trying to get this over with. Yon nodded his head. “Of course.” He answered dropping the subject. Noya nodded her head. “Thank you.” She said to him finally feeling that her face turned back to normal. She then turned around to face the man, but arms still crossed.
“So…got any ability’s?” She asked him wanting to know what he can do and see if he is any use to her. Yon nodded his head as he pulled out his sword sheath with his sword still inside. “Of course, sword fighting as you can see.” He told her as he then unsheathed is sword and put it in the sunlight as he let it glimmer in the light.
It was a beautiful sword; it had perfect craftsmanship and beautiful designs. She believed that the sword was made from the purest steel that the smith could find. The place where you hold the sword had perfect grip so it wouldn’t just slip out of your grasp, even if it got wet. And as for designs it had jewels implanted into the handle of the sword. There were a few colors of the jewels; there was green, blue, and red. And the shape of the sword, perfect. It was perfectly straight, and smooth. She bet it was like baby soft or some sort.
Noya nodded her head at him. “Amazing sword that you got there. Who made it?” She asked him as Yon put his sword back in the sheath. Yon looked up at her with a serious look. “ My Father made it and passed it down to me.” He told her. Noya nodded her head. “You must be very proud to be the son of a great smith.” She told him with a smile. Silence fell upon them both. The only sounds you could hear was the creatures in the trees that was near them and the sounds of people talking at the marketplace. Noya could feel that Yon was looking down at the ground uneasy like there was something wrong. Noya cocked an eyebrow at him. “Yon?” She asked him confused. Yon lifted up his head at the sound of her voice, still silent. “He’s…He’s dead.” He told her as he looked toward the ocean averting her gaze. Noya nodded her head as she looked down at the ground. “Um…I’m very sorry for your lost.” She told him, a bit feeling ashamed in herself for saying that to him.
Yon turned his gaze away from the ocean and looked back at Noya. His expression has then changed. Instead of being serious and sad, it changed to just smiling and forgiving. “It’s ok. It was a year ago.” He told her as he kept on smiling. “You didn’t know anyways, so it wasn’t your fault. Don’t feel ashamed” He told her again trying to make her feel better. Noya nodded her head at him. “Thanks.” She told him.
Again, there was another silence that has fallen between them. With the only sounds of other people or creatures. Noya shook her head deciding to change the subject, again, and go back to business. “Any other ability’s or is sword fighting the only one?” She asked him. Yon just stood there with a thinking expression on his face. “Um…Sword fighting is pretty much the only one. Only one thing I have to say is that, not to trying to honk my own horn but, I say I am pretty good at the art of the sword.” He told her feeling quite proud of himself. Noya nodded her head. “Then I look forward in sparring with you sometime.” She told him with a grin.
This caught the man off guard. “Uh?” He asked her again, trying to catch the same exact words as he cocked an eyebrow. Noya couldn’t help but laugh a bit at the face that Yon has given her. Priceless. “Yes, you heard me. We need to spar sometime.” She told him with a grin as she nodded her head. Again, Yon gave her the same look on his face as before. “Uh?” he asked again, still confused. Noya rolled her eyes as she walked up to him and knocked on his hard skull. “GOSH! Kind of SLOW today aren’t you?” she told him with a roll of her eyes. Yon did a pouted look as he rubbed his head in pain, but eyes still on Noya. Noya placed her hands on her hips. “What I am trying to say is…that you can join.” She told him as she then released a sigh, taking it hard to say.
A smile then slid on Yon’s face as he heard the words come out of Noya’s own mouth. “You mean it?” he asked her not letting the smile die down. Noya sighed again as she nodded her head, fingers rubbing her temples. “Yes… since you are the only person who asked to join AND has the skills, you can join.” She told him as she pointed out her finger on the word ‘and’. Yon kept on grinning from his victory of persuading the women to let him join. Noya rolled her eyes as she then started to walk toward the docks. “Come and follow me or your going to be left behind, so don’t you dare make me change my mind on letting you join. Or I will say no without giving you a second chance” She warned him as she kept on walking.
Yon nodded his head as he took his hand and pressed it to his forehead in a solute kind of motion. “YES MA’AM!” He said and then ran after the women that would lead him to her ship called the “Black Heart”.
Noya just rolled her eyes at the boy and continued to walk. This was going to be an intrusting adventure. She felt the sensation going up and done her bones. She felt that she is going to go far in life, she could just feel it. Herself, Her new formed crew that was soon to be coming, and her dreams helping her along the way. The only one dream that she has been chasing ever since she was a little child. To gather herself a crew, and to become the best pirate captain in the world, the fist AND best women captain to sail the Seven seas. She couldn’t help but smile at her feelings that was running through her body, faster then her blood could ever go. She felt more powerful then ever before, and that she could do anything. Her eye’s then flashed to a darker red as she smirked.
Look out world…here comes Captain Noya.

End of Chapter one of Dreams of the Sea.

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  • User Comments: [2]
    Community Member

    Fri Mar 30, 2007 @ 02:02am

    thats a great story it took me awhile but it was great

    Community Member

    Sat Mar 31, 2007 @ 09:59pm

    Thank you SOO much! XD

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