Well, if you've gotten this far legitimately than you're not far from victory. The hardest part of winning though is that you have to put the names in order from oldest to newest. Do you know what the order is?
Let me help you. Assuming that spaces and other symbols are characters, here's the character count for the names in the order they're supposed to be in. Can you fit them in their right spots?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Intrepid _ Vocation
Once you've got them in the right order them, head on over and e-mail it to me at mrhsgt@gmail.com.
The title must be "Podcast Contest", and inside the e-mail must be your Gaia username, and along with the list of names (in the right order) you must provide me with the links to all the places where you found the name. This is to determine who legitimately completed the contest.
If you're a winner, I'll e-mail you and then PM you, sending you your prize shortly thereafter.