Vancule [The Blood Drinkers Inn] |
 Name:Vancule Takiro [vanc] Age:23 Gender:male Race:Demon/lycan/vampire/? Personality:Vanc used to come of as a..not so friendly guy,though that was only due to how he was brought up and well he did pretty much live in his brothers head for a good year or so.But its been around five years and alot has changed,he's now rather nice and likes to kid around,he wouldnt dream of hurting any of his friends or family though in the past that would have been a different story,lets just say that in five years he's matured quite a bit.He hates the idea of killing or fighting for that matter,he's usually really happy well he fakes it about half the time seeing as he's trying to prove he has a 'softer' side which he does but its hard for him to let people see who he really is.overall though he's pretty friendly,E-nuff said[lol].
History:When Vanc was nearly a year old his parents found out he was a half blood,part demon of course and there was a bit of vampire DNA which wasnt really what bothered them..there was another side to him..the men back at his home werent sure as to what it was,his mom and dad werent fond of having half breeds and got rid of not only him but his three brothers as well.He had a twin at one point who his mom later told him he had killed before they were actually born,so of course his twin was a still born and lets just say his parents never wanted him around..they felt Vanc was evil which he believed too.So a few years went by and he had been staying with his uncle,he was happy there though only because of this little girl who actually talked to him..Vanc cant remember her name clearly but she was killed by some men from a lab he had just recently heard about.At that time Vanc was maybe ten years old.With his only friend gone Vanc had locked himself in his room and cried for what seemed like forever to him..eventually the same men who had killed his close friend came and dragged Vanc away from his uncle..he tried to fight back and ended up with a scar on the back of his left shoulder from one of the men that had decided to club him,vanc had ducked and well thats how the bruise ended up on his shoulder.Vanc later found out that his brothers had been captured as well and brought to the same lab,they were all seperated and had to endure the pain of the beatings and tests..there was never anything 'good' about that place..Vanc slowly lost any sign of ever being a friendly guy and began to hate anyone who he came in contact with..the thought of what those people had done to him still makes him feel sick to his stomache.Him and his brothers had one chance to escape and took it,they managed to evade the lab for almost two years.Vanc lived on the streets which wasnt all bad,he'd made some friends and figured maybe he was finally safe and decided to tell his close friend Kreyn what all had gone on,though Kreyn was oviously a backstabber seeing as he went right to the men at the lab and told them exactly where to find Vanc,he was brought back to that hell where he was beaten even worse than before and he even had his own 'special' cell,he was chained up there and starved which explains why he doesnt eat much anymore..he was so sick and just plain scared of what else they were planning to do to him that he locked himself up deep in the back of his mind where he stayed for close to a year or so.By the time he had decided to wake back up it was to late seeing as he was in the back of his brothers [hitsu] mind which lasted almost a year.They came to the BDI as they had heard Hinata needed some help with her inn,he was still pretty pissed off with his brother for letting those men back at the lab lock him within hitsu's thoughts.Vanc eventually broke free though and started talking with some people at the inn that he was really fond of.one of which was a girl named kisa,he knew pretty quickly that he liked her but well she already had someone else so he just blocked his feelings and decided to keep those two close,he at least wanted to stay on their good side.He had even turned on his brother to stick with the pair..which was idiotic and now he really regrets turning on his family..not only because he's changed but now they still see him as a bad guy..well thats slowly changing..or least he'd like to think anyways..well back to the story then..Vanc had left the inn for a while in hopes of the people at the BDI forgiving him he came back five years later hoping to well..see if maybe kisa came back and to his surprise she had..he took his chance and told her how he felt and now in a way he regrets it..though mainly because he knows its hurting Kisa.
~Edit~ Vanc finally,kind of,got his head cleared..Kisa and Yuki were,well,they were ment to be togeather it was that simple.He'd decided it was best to just live with that stinging pain for a while like he had before.Of course he didnt want to but,well,there wasnt much else he could do now was there? Vanc had wandered off to stay with some friend who ended up turning on him.All except for his close friends Alexis and Collin Who decided to help him out of his small situation.Vancs more or less gone punk and his attitude seems to switch around quite a bit seeing as hes not exactly over the loss of his mom or kisa for that matter..Well..His mom ment quite a bit to him,losing her was like losing part of himself.His other brothers were prolly hurt but his pain overcame both of theirs seeing as he actually watched the men from the lab end his moms life,he'd tried to fight back and in turn got a pretty large scar down his neck and ran all the way down his shoulder to his elbow.but vanc was upset enough to end the mans life who took his mothers,now all he really seeks is revenge against all the people that got in his way in the past..He figures it was their fault his mother died and well...He's not exactly the same fun loving character..well he is but once more,hes pretending to be something he's not.Vanc tried hard to see the good in most people but in the end his trust pretty much got thrown aside,it ticked him off and that was the jist of it.If he ever saw that 'guy' again vanc swore one of them was going to die.hah,yea.he's pretty much turned into the guy seeking revenge in a matter of weeks/months.He'd lost track of time but it wasnt all that long that he'd witnessed his mother dying,his father turning mentally unstable,his heart being torn in half,his mind was filled with bogus,and hed almost been beaten to death 'literally' and its not really a wonder he hasnt gone insane.well,maybe in a way he has seeing as hes been acting pretty off here recently.

Vancule · Wed Apr 11, 2007 @ 07:30am · 0 Comments |