Her name's Rioko-cha
She has long, blue straight hair (But sometimes she curls the ends a tid)
She also has blue eyes with green highlights.
She might look something like [this]
She ususally wears a school girl uniform [like this], but when she's not at school she wears a long sleeve green shirt and dark blue denim shorts. In formal wear, she might wear a dress [like this].
She's about 14.
She's very shy, but can be corky and random.
She's a tid bit of a clutz.
She likes horses a lot.
Oh, one more thing, she has a white cat.
This is one of meh new ones.
Her name is Aritara.
She is a star goddess.
Her hair has two braids in front that wrap around to the back of her head, and the back is wavy.
Her eyes are ice blue, and glimmers like stars would.
HEr eyelashes are long, and black.
She doesn't wear much.
A bra and gem underwear do the trick.
She also wears gloves and stockings.
She has a star head peice as well.
She is shy, and very sensitive.
She roams the sky at night.
Her favorite thing to do is to dance with Darius, her companion.
Her companion is Darius, a star warrior.

This is as close as I could get on tektek.

This is Carine.
She is an ice/water pixie.
Both of her eyes are blue. (Sorry, that was as close as I could get to her style eyes)
She wears a dress with a fairy (not butterfly) belt strap.
She does not wear shoes, she wears stockings only.
Although, when she's dancing on the lake of Miramore, she is barefoot.
She has a veil of hair ornaments.
She also wears gloves, and has pixie wings.
Her hair is pulled back in a ponytail, but with hair in the front with x hair bands in them. (Very similar to chii in chobits)
She usually has a nutral expression.
She is quiet, gentle, and probably the most peaceful pixie out there.
One of the most beautiful of them as well.
She watches over the lake to keep it safe.
One of her friends is a water spirit named Leo.
Leo is a wolf/water spirit.
Calm and subtile, innocent, kind hearted.
He lives in the water of lake Miramore.
He has long, silver hair.
He is quite a gentleman, and wears a princes jacket and black with blue x's pants.
He does wear boots as well.
His eyes are deep blue, like the depth of the lake.
He is a companion of Carine.
