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Shadows that consume and manipulate the human soul
Why can't anything be simple...why do things have to go wrong all the time. I'm like a magnet to bad things, friends leaving me and hating me forever. People telling me things I wish they could have kept to themselves. All these things keep me depressed. The more I get depressed the more I forget things and I'm afraid. I don't like forgeting things, I feel lesser of a person. Soon I'll start forgeting people the way my depression is going.....I'm portant things that I know are important leave me first and that's when people start hating me. The people I hold closest to me in my heart, that keep me on this earth, leave me and I can feel my resolve leaving and I am slowly slipping away from the solid ground.......

Master of illusions
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Master of illusions
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  • 09/17/06 to 09/10/06 (1)