xmkatx hates me o.o
and lots of people
I know it really is not important, but I like making gold, that's why I post this
yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum domokun
Engelen · Thu Mar 17, 2005 @ 09:31pm · 3 Comments |
I hate being so obsessed over my notes, sometimes I wish I didn't care about them and I could just be happy with whatever the outcome of the average was... but for some reason I just can't find myself to do that... it's pretty annoying.
I hate myself for saying that I totally failed at a subject when I go 90% on it -_-
Engelen · Fri Nov 19, 2004 @ 01:00am · 2 Comments |
It's been so long since the last time I posted here, I guess I just forgot.
Actually, this post will be short too, since I have to leave now to advance some homework, then eat, then go to the comic workshop.
I'm leaving a pic now:
Engelen · Sat Nov 13, 2004 @ 05:53pm · 3 Comments |
I'm officially no longer my homework's b***h since homework died from a horrible disease about 3 days ago, but now I'm working on an archive for my blog's past posts. 'Til now I've just done the pages for layouts 32, 40 and 41... now I'm just missing other 39pages gonk Past Posts
Well, right now the exam season began at my school; I already had my math exam on wednesday, my history exam on thursday and had my informatic and english exams yesterday, on monday I'll be having literature and then I don't know o.o
Ah yeah, past period notes:

Well, I'll go answer some posts ath teh sasunaru thread.
CUL8R <--- I learnt that 2 days ago xp
Engelen · Sat Oct 09, 2004 @ 06:38pm · 2 Comments |
chinese-looking friend's birthday...
more homework...
brother's birthday...
more homework...
'nuff said, I'll be back to life and reason tomorrow
Engelen · Mon Oct 04, 2004 @ 03:26am · 1 Comments |
Everybody knows it is, but I juste felt like I had to repeat it.
Yesterday, I don't know why but I had lot's of homeworks piled up, so, there you see me, making physics lab reports at 10:00 pm (ok, it's not late, but it was for me since I hadn't had a decent night of sleep since last week. Today I was grumpy and had headaches, I even got dizzy... WHILE I WAS SITTING!!!!
So.. I'm catching up on Gaia, posting here and there, reviving an old hread... nothing new, just the same old thing I do everyday xp ... AND I DON'T FEEL PATHETIC!!!! scream
Engelen · Fri Oct 01, 2004 @ 03:00am · 2 Comments |
Lately there have been lots of Narutards rounding the anime forums, most of the time it's kinda bothersome but answering/ridiculizating them is fun from time to time, and, you get gold biggrin Some of them are actually funny, like this guy taht says that Sasuke is straight because Ino told Sakura that she heard that Sasuke liked girls with long hair Another one kept saying that it was an insult that we wondered about Sasuke's sexuality; at first stance I didn't like him, but eventually the discussions started to turn funny, specially when I mentioned that homosexuality DID stop Wilde from having descendance (note: that was sarcasm) in response to his "Sasuke plans to continue his clan" argument, then this guy straterd rambling about Wilde having nothing to do with anime and blah (I was referring to homosexuality itself, not Wilde's historical situation).
Well, I also got back to the Intl music forums. Right now I've just been posting in the "Jrock/Visual Kei fans post pictures and discuss" thread and in the PENICILLIN thread, I guess I'll post more and more as I get a grip on everything there.
Well... that's all I gues... ah yeah, I posted a pic at the art arena; I don't get why is it that if some people say it looks as good as a photo I've got 5.9 as average there confused
mah, bye bye
I was listening to: Ai no Uta - PENICILLIN
Engelen · Sun Sep 26, 2004 @ 08:39pm · 3 Comments |
I don't know why I'm doing this, I mean, I've got my blog in english and I never update it... but maybe I'll update this thing more often, *shrugs* who knows, I spend a good part of my day here, I might as well write here.
Engelen · Sat Sep 25, 2004 @ 01:45am · 2 Comments |