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View User's Journal

ADM Diary
My personal diary of life after the incident.
User Image
Jennifer Carmen Hernandez

[ Basic Statistics ]

Nicknames: Jenni
Gender: Female
Age: 19
Nationality: Hispanic

[ Physical Characteristics ]

Hair: Reddish-Brown
Hair style: Whatever is party worthy.
Eyes: Brown
Posture: Walking tall and with confidence
Build: Curves. Hispanic women curves
Skin: Fair with a slight tan
Describe their smile: Big and almost always laughing
Tattoos/Scars?: Tattoo of a star right behind her left ear
Usual attire:
Fashion sense: Pop, party, loud, bright colors
Speech Patterns: Talks loud and proud
Describe their laugh: Laughs loud

[ Intellectual/Mental Personality Attributes ]

Intelligence level (out of 10): 8
Known Languages: English and Spanish
How do they believe s/he is perceived by others?
Is this character generally dominant or submissive?:
Patience level: Low. She can't stand having to wait for a store to open with a sale.
Describe their sense of humor: Sarcasm
How do they express themselves?: Partying and dancing
Does the character seem ruled by emotion or logic or some combination thereof? : Emotion
Optimist or Pessimist: Optimist
Introvert or extrovert: Extrovert
Greatest Fear:
Other Fears/Insecurities/Phobias:
[ Other ]

Weapons: Um....a metal nail file and a purse?
Are they generally balanced or clumsy?: Balanced
Health: Healthy. She eats a lot of good food filled with carbs but dances them away.
Power: The power of beauty and confidence.
Relationship Skills: 10
Romantic Relationship Skills: 101
How does the opposite sex view her?: Beautiful and crazy.
Describe their bedroom: Pictures of friends and family everywhere. Millions of clothing items strewn across the room.
Hobbies/Pastimes: Partying, dancing,
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User Image
Original Bio:


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[ Your Character and You ]

How did you come up with your character?

How did you come up with your character's name?

What was your inspiration for your character's personality?

What was your inspiration for your character's appearance?

Do you and your character share a same physical trait?

What about style?

Do you and your character share the same mannerism?

What about personality?

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[ Character Situations Quiz ]

Your character spots a random person giving him a mean look.

Your character sees someone in trouble and is the only one around.

Your character finds that their is wallet is gone.

Your character gets shot/stabbed.

Some crazy pervert kidnapped your character.

Your character wins the lottery.

It turns out the numbers were wrong, and the money is taken away.

Your character drives. What vehicle?

Your character's lover is cheating on them.

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[ Interview ]

Jennifer: Where am I?
Me: Home, sort of.
Jennifer: How did I get here? How did you get here? Who are you?
Me: I'm the one asking the questions here. I am your creator.
Jennifer: Really? Oh, okay then. *Takes a gun out* How about now? *Smiles*
Me: Oh! We'll be right back.

Please standby, and enjoy this relaxing elevator music.

Jennifer: Thanks for explaining that to me.
Me: Yeah thanks for putting the gun away.
Jennifer: No problem. *Smiles*
Me: Now to start with the interview...again. Do you have a lover? *waggles eyebrows*
Jennifer: *Giggles*. I can take the gun back out. *Serious face*
Me: Moving on then. Do you like to read? What genres do you like?
Jennifer: I do enjoy reading. It depends on what I am in the mood for. I read different genres.
Me: Is there anything you can't live without?
Jennifer: My messenger bag. It has everything in there.
Me: Now, you've been searching for your you have a crush on him? Is that why you won't stop searching even if it has been 6 years?
Jennifer: *Pulls gun out*. OUT NOW! And no.
Me: Hehe. Alrighty then, I'm leaving. Maybe next time we can continue-
Jennifer: Ten, nine, eight, seven.
Me: *Stands up so quickly the chair falls* Bye!

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[ Circle ]
