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Celestial Sephiroth
Community Member
Um... Hi. I'm a friend of Steven's (we go to school together) and since he didn't need this account anymore he gave it to me. smile It's nice to meet you all. smile

Strange Dream
I had a dream last Friday night. The dream took place on a large cement/concrete staircase like those that are on apartments. (I came to find out that it was "part" of my carrer class's building.) As I was walking down the stairs, I passed a girl that I didn't recognize/was oblivious to. She called my name, so I turned around and she turned out to be a girl i like that i just recently met. I started to walk towards her and a girl appeared on a platform next to her. She started talking to the first girl and looked over at me. I recognized her immediately as a person that i fell in love with and last i heard was in canada. We hugged and the first girl asked me how i knew her and i told her that we go back. Then the canadian girl and i started to catch up on things that had happened.
Then my dad woke me up... stressed -mumbles- ...stupid idiot...

Uhmm.... Anyways, If someone can help me figure out what this means, PLEASE HELP!!! I need to figure this out before Feb. 11th.

Celestial Sephiroth
Community Member

Celestial Sephiroth
Community Member
Kairi and Namine
Namine is a sadow of Kairi's heart thereby making here a "nobody". Just something I figured out. (And King Mickey is wearing Sora's new clothes.)

One hint....
Just a guess, the blonde haired kid is the other side of Sora's heart. If you beat com, you might know what i'm talking about. It's when you get to twilight town and vexen says it's from the other side of sora's heart. then you beat reverse/rebirth, that kid is in twilight town and it says that thing about fufilling forgotten promises. If you've seen KH2 trailer, he's in twilight town also. And he goes thru the things Sora did.

Celestial Sephiroth
Community Member

Celestial Sephiroth
Community Member
Kingdom Hearts: COM
I beat COM this morning on reverse/rebirth mode.

I told you you can't beat me ansem, HAH!

Uhmm, Anyways..... Riku is AWESOME!!!! whee I beat ansem on lvl.52 or something like that in about 8 hrs of total gameplay on R/R mode. It took me 25 hours and lvl. 72 sora to beat Marluxia. (easy Final Form, Big Let down crying ).

OHOH, The blond haired kid is a friend of namine's and he made a promise to her. And Riku wields darkness for the light (twilight)(so cool!). That's all i'm saying for know. If you want more, become a friend and beg me.

Catch Up
Okay. Since i didn't really write anything in this journal i'll copy the entries out of my other journal.

6:30 am PT "Music"
I'm feeling: bored
You'll find me: at school

Nobody back here has heard of scooter. i can't even find him on the web when i'm trying to find some of his some of his songs. Oh well, At least I can listen to Bowling For Soup-- 1985 and Girl All The Bad Guys Want.

10:08 am PT "nothing"
I'm feeling: OK
You'll find me: at school

I finally am almost qualified. 7 more points. -rubs hands togehter and laughs maniaclly- Uhmm... Anyways, Kingdom Hearts: Chain Of Memories is a pain in the a** when you fight riku for the third time. .....damn him. I'll beat him eventually.

6:33 am PT "Bored"
I'm feeling: whatever
You'll find me: at school

Well, uhm, here's my first journal entry. I guess I'll just rub in the fact that i get to use messenger AT SCHOOL. HAHAHA. uhm yeah. okies... bye

Celestial Sephiroth
Community Member

Celestial Sephiroth
Community Member
School here sux
I'm bored out of mind here in MO. I took part of the Stanford 9 test today. whatever the hell THAT is for. this school has only 4 hallways. and 1-12 is in one building split up according to grade level.

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