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View User's Journal

Lo if you only knew , if you could only concieve, of the horror that awaits you. This journal will give you intimate knowledge of the world and its enevitable end. This knowledge will not help you, it may very well just be a ploy to trick you into thinking that all this will come to pass! The true horror may be so Lovecraftiean and unthinkable that your very mind may be forfet.

What...I didnt write it Im just hosting it.......I need the money for Pumpkins music lessions....
-Dr. Orpheus of The Venture Brothers
The truth
arrow It is now that I chose to enlighten you all as to what you may not know. Your lives are lies. The freedom you enjoy is but a paltry illusion. You go about your existances working and slaving for nothing more than tiny bits of shiny coin. Coin which you use to buy pointless items and baubles which may or may not give you comfort.

Why do you put yourselves in such torment? For the simple reason that you are told that you need to look and feel a certain way to fit in. By all the stars! All you need in life is food, shelter, and a sense of power over others! This is all. Frendship, Love, and Compassion are the opeiates that you take to ignore the truth: that your existance holds no meaning and you will most likely die alone and filled with bile over the idea that you accomplished nothing in this life worth noting. sad

Its knowledge like this that makes me feel like not even trying to destroy this world. You are all doomed as it is to live the short pointless lives you have fallen into.
In my world there were men of courage and purpose. They fought and died on my blade, but they were noble. I remember every one of them. Brogmeier the storm chaser: fearless king of storms, Farris the woods man: lively and spary all the way to the end, and of course my most hated enemy Goludo Grimeira the shining morning. Now he had brass! Our fights were legendary! twisted

Lo I find this world hollow in so many ways. When my forces strike, will there be any one to stand against me? cry