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I've tried ignoring you, not giving you the satisfaction of seeing me get angry or sending you messages with equal the amount of poison in them as you've been sending me, and I'd say I've done a pretty good job of giving you absolutely no malice in return. But you just don't give up. You want to know that I'm miserable, when I'm not. You want me to send you angry messages back, or confessions of love that don't exist anymore, so that you can show it to all of your friends and make me look like a fool, but I'm not giving you any of that. (By the way, hello everybody!) Instead, I'm giving you one final message, and then you'll never hear from me again. Sure you'll hear OF me, but you'll never hear anything I say directed towards you, because I'm done talking about you and this whole issue. I'm sick of telling my friends all the rude things you've said to me and I'm definitely sick of deleting your messages from my phone.

I'm going to say this one last time- leave me alone. I'm going to hang out with my friends wherever they want to hang out. I'm going to do what I want, where I want, with who I want, however I want, whenever I want. My promise to you about avoiding Red Cap and Scandals? Out the window, at least while you're not on the clock there, with all of the shitty things you've been saying to me the last month or so. (By the way, tell [whoever I assume you're ********] I say hi! That's how you worded that, isn't it?) You've shown me a pretty ugly side of you- a side that's spiteful, malicious and childish. I knew this side existed, but I never saw the true severity of it. Any love left in my heart for you is gone. You don't own Stark street or any of our mutual friends that go there, and telling me I can't hang out with them is just plain arrogant, so don't even bother. If they don't want to hang out with me anymore, that's their decision, not yours.

I don't appreciate the names you've been calling me, but I ESPECIALLY don't appreciate the names you've been calling my friends. I'm not stupid, that's not the first time you've called one of my friends a nasty word. My friends are my family, you of all people should know that, and they've stuck by me through slings and arrows; leave them alone. Every issue you've got with me is just between you and me, and will no longer be talked about because obviously you just won't listen and haven't listened to me at all and will never get the picture. Don't drag others into this, that's just petty. Michael posted that music video because I told him about the things you'd said to me; you bet your a** I told him you called him "my whore" after your called me an a*****e and a skank.

How exactly did you see that post, by the way? His profile is set to private and only his friends can see his feed, and you two definitely aren't friends. I'm just going to guess, since I won't let you actually answer that question, that you're going on a mutual friend's page and looking at his feed, or that your friends are showing you their feed and letting you screen-cap it. Good work, you should be a private investigator. And finding his phone number in a Facebook conversation between him, Daniel, Riah and me and then harassing him via text, trying to intimidate him? Adam, you're a grown-a** man, this is high-school-status s**t you're pulling, here.

I've told you to leave me alone, and you've blatantly disrespected that request. Don't bother responding to this message, you're done talking to me. I don't need to hear anything else from you. No more slander, no more asking if I still love you, no more asking if I'd ever consider being with you again, because I won't. We're through, Adam. Done-zo. Finished. Over. This chapter has closed, turn the page. If you choose to cut all of this bullcrap out, flip to page 145!

Instead, I'm having your number blocked on my phone and I'm blocking your e-mail address, too. You've already done my job for me, of blocking me on Facebook. I've also set my profile to private. I'm sure you'll have sentries out looking at my page and reporting back to you but not a single ******** is given, here at The Nook. Let them talk. Let them remind you every day that I still exist, while I've moved on and put the space you left in my head up for rent and foreclosed the space you had in my heart. Just leave me alone. Maybe we can try talking again in a year or two, or not, that all depends on whether I feel like trying to salvage anything from the train wreck that was our break-up and whether or not you'll ever finish throwing your temper tantrums. Regardless, I'll be making that decision. I'm done letting you make decisions in my life.

Also; who I ******** is none of your business and don't bother trying to get to me through my mom, Tyra, or any of my other friends back in Spokane, either. Good bye, Adam.