the sword of feram
by jario maon (user name)
The Sword of Feram
Story by Jeremy Frame.
Prelude: The Emerald Beast of the Sky.
Deep inside a cavern at the very top of Ferams Sword (the mountain that dominates the centre of the great crater.) resides not only possibly the largest beast in all of Feram, but also the oldest living creature, and the wisest as well. The beast in question of coarse is the Great Emerald Beast of the Sky. Many (idiots) have attempted to scale the Sword (the greatest mountain on the planet) to confront the Beast (most are felled by Trogozens or Blast hounds... the very unlucky ones are the ones that have run ins with the dreaded "White Rabbit" wink . Those people that succeed in arriving at the mouth of the cave find themselves as either a crispy snack for the resident of the cave, or are coaxed into conversations that few have ever returned from... not because they were consumed, or died of starvation or dehydration, no, normally the cause of death at an older age than what the people would normally reach, sometimes as old as 500 years old! and those that do return from their conversation with the Beast normally find themselves in a land heavily changed by the passage of time and the nature of sentient beings, evolution in both creatures and technologies. they would find their way to the nearest pub or poor house and do as they were instructed by the Great Beast... write down their conversations and share them with the world, most that roam into bars wind up being seen as a raving mad drunk and normally are tossed out before a drop of mead would touch their lips and tongues that have forgotten the taste of it. Some of the lucky ones that had the luck to walk in to a pub with a minstrel playing a catchy wordless tune, become travelling bards, and lead a much more successful life. but sadly the one that jotted this now ancient tome that your are reading (if you have translated the runes that is...) was I, and I went to a poor house that was later turned into a sanatorium for those that have suffered head trauma caused by blunt objects to the head. I -at the time this is being written- am 347 years old. I should have died two and a half centuries ago, but this added vitality is the cause of having an intelligent conversation with the Great Emerald Beast of the Sky. blessing or curse, I say neither. just compensation for being inconvenienced by her... yes the Beast is a female, and somehow, I miss her dearly as a son would miss their mother. where's my head at? I need to get this written out before my age addles my brain. Yes, the Beast is a female, and also, a Dragon, That is what she told me, so that is what I will call her, she detests being called a "Beast" and also having shiny pointy things being pointed at her in a threatening (but harmless) way. Back to this Tome! I write this to tell you that the Sword of Feram was not always there, it was a gift from the heavens... well, more like gift wrapping for what was inside. which was the Dragon, along with an energy that permeated the area around it. It was a meteor. the length of it was enough to pierce this world and come out the other side! On one side, on the continent of Tetser, is the hilt of the Sword (where the Dragon resides at the top of the mountain.) and on the exact opposite on the continent of Trinsger is the tip of the Blade (a mountain that is half as tall but three times as broad because of the earth it pushed forth.) both side are soaked in energies that to this day still baffle the mind. the meteor contains one half of a mixture of energies, that when mixed with this worlds natural sources, caused a reaction that caused the flora and fauna within several togs (what you call miles) to change drastically. Plants became more abundant, but harder to harvest due to new spores and other defensive mechanisms, woodland creatures became more savage than normal, some moulted there former skins to reveal shiny scale like pelts that glistened like metals and jewels, and their bones began to absorb non alkali metals like they were calcium, giving them the constitution of the metals and minerals that was in their normal diets. As mentioned earlier, there was one beast whose outward appearance did not change at all, but in this case, it's whats on the inside that counts. The White Rabbit, it went from being a docile little woodland creature that was hunted for its meat and skin, to something that ravages and maims whatever it sets its sights on, whether it be several times larger than it, or its own brood. most Beasts know not to cross this creature... most, there is one still stupid enough to think that it has a chance to survive an encounter with it. That creature is Man. . . .
As the tome goes on and on about what seems to be random topics, an old shrivelled up hand appears out of the left and closes the book. lifts it up and places it on a trolly and goes into the "prophecies and other ill stuff" aisle.
"How many times had I had to collect that blasted book today now? it seems like it just sprouts legs and walks around this place like it owns it or something..." the elderly librarian lady speaks to herself in an empty building, for the past seventeen years not a soul has entered the great doors of the library, just her and the voices that accompany her, the voices of the books. They are alive, well at least they are to her, and this close to the crater... whose to say if the lady's crazy or not? whispers can be heard everywhere if you listen hard enough. the pages turning themselves and long dead voices of those that have written the contents of that library. this is the oldest library on the face of the planet... and also the most avoided.
(okay, so that was the forward of my story, and a sneak peek for my friends and fans here on Gaiaonline. Let me know what you guys think of it. I tried to be as grammatically correct as possible, and also had to fight with the demon in this machine known as auto correct. Well it was also done in the dead of night when inspiration attacks me and won't let me sleep. That's mainly why it seems like the old fool is really rambling... Because this fool is ^_^. Yay insomnia! And I have no idea as to where I got the inspiration for the library from, I am sure it sounds familiar to some and if it seems similar to anything let me know, I might wanna read that book. And don't tell me the page master, I love that movie, I like the idea of a library that transports one with the right imagination to that glorious fantasy realm and would personally LOVE to visit it, if only to get away from this rather depressing dimension where even dragons must hide from us... The human race sure has gotten scary. Well those that are found on this mud ball known as earth have at any rate... It looks as though I have done it again... Me and my off topic rambling. Sorry to drill into your pupils with this other mindless dribble, I have no filter when it comes to typing stuff out of my mind. I might just post this up to see what'll happen and who will say what. Hope you enjoyed it! I have.)
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