who's underneath the butterfly light? |
 What type of Fae are you?
cute art. predictable outcome. i'm bored and i don't wanna sleep.
ps my current avvie hair colour actually approximates my current irl hair colour. double yay for that. yay yay.
now i need food.
reiciel · Thu Dec 21, 2006 @ 01:57pm · 0 Comments |
ok, well, this is really delayed and i'm really hungry, but i'll post it anyway.
good night.
(btw, amelie kicks a**, and i shall buy it if i can find it for under 20 - or maybe 15? - bucks.)
emo kingpin
reiciel · Tue Feb 15, 2005 @ 11:20pm · 0 Comments |
<img src='http://images.quizfarm.com/1102886010emoscreamonew.jpg'> You scored as <b>Emo & More</b>. Emo and Screamo
Emo & More - 83% Indie - 79% Indie Rock - 63% Industrial - 46% Punk and Pop Punk - 46% Hardcore - 38% Britpop - 38% Classic - 29% Ska - 21% Mainstream - 17% Country - 13% Hip Hop and Rap - 4% Music Recommendation created with QuizFarm.com
<img src='http://images.quizfarm.com/1104519713memory_of_wings-l.jpg'> You scored as <b>A Too Depressed Faerie</b>. There's no doubt about it your not a very cheerful faerie exactly. Maybe your feeling absence or are just depressed with life or world events currently. You may be upset but that doesn't necessarily mean your unhappy, there are some faeries who enjoy sadness. But if your not one of them, look up and smile, if its so bad, it can only get better.
A Too Depressed Faerie - 85% A Too Serious Faerie - 70% A Too Astral Faerie - 60% A Too Kinky Faerie - 55% A Too Sweet Faerie - 55% A Too Sporty Faerie - 55% A Too Evil Faerie - 45% A Too Lazy Faerie - 35% A Too Silly Faerie - 30% Which Dysfunctional Faerie are You? created with QuizFarm.com
<img src='http://images.quizfarm.com/1103662449psychic.jpg'> You scored as <b>Pyschic Vampire</b>. You are a Pyschic Vampire. You feed of the energy of everyone around you. You find that alot of your friends feel weaker or tired around you and you could often think that you are somewhere else aka astral travel.
Pyschic Vampire - 75% True Vampire - 67% Just a blood fetish - 50% Werewolf - 33% Not a vampire at all - 25%
What kind of vampire would you be created with QuizFarm.com
<img src='http://images.quizfarm.com/1104014769loner.jpg'> You scored as <b>Loner</b>.
Loner - 88% Goth - 69% Geek - 63% Punk/Rebel - 38% Drama nerd - 38% Prep/Jock/Cheerleader - 19% Stoner - 19% Ghetto gangsta - 19%
What's Your High School Stereotype? created with QuizFarm.com
reiciel · Sun Jan 30, 2005 @ 03:27am · 0 Comments |
if you're smoking, you'd better be on fire. |
...or be extremely, extremely sexy.
i couldn't help but laugh when i saw that quote written on a novelty sign for sale at the hospital gift shop here at sunnybrook. bloody hilarious, i'd buy that if it was under 5 bucks.
so yeah, looks like that mysterious sexy korean guy who dropped out of my buddhist arts class and whom i occasionally catch leaving the section of my japanese II class that comes before mine, is now in my japanese & korean religions class. whoo, when he walked into class and sat down in the row in front of me... then pulled off his sweater to reveal a red tshirt underneath and nicely toned forearms... wheee can you say someone was a little distracted? 3nodding
he also stayed after class for the tutorial (just like i did) and headed out of class at the same time i did, and got on the subway in the same area i did, and transferred trains in the same area i did... coincidence of coincidences, i think he prolly lives in korea town at yonge and finch. i wonder if he saw me get off the train?
haha, i must've looked like i was autistic though the way i was shuffling around and bobbing my head and mouthing the words to the smile cd which was blaring over my headphones. that must not have looked very flattering, hm?...
ah well. sexy boys in my classes cheer me up. guess wednesday's gonna be my favourite day of the week after all.
ooh ooh! bright eyes on friday. and despite that lbt show being cancelled - poor jenna, must've blown out her vocal chords for those thrashing kids last week - i think friday's gonna be a mighty fine day. so long as i don't get mauled by the creepy emo girls trying to rush the stage.
reiciel · Thu Jan 20, 2005 @ 03:48am · 0 Comments |
it's kinda odd watching a whole mess of high school kids thrashing around and headbanging and smashing into each other during a live show. they're so fervent about it too - even when one gets knocked onto the ground, he or she jumps right back up and hurls him or herself back into the melee.
teenagers are strange creatures.
so yeah, watched a few local bands play tonight. green bastards - i had to admit, they had charisma, even if they lacked originality and talent. or at least the vocalist (can't call someone who just repeatedly screams out '******** you! ******** you! ******** you!' a 'singer') did. but you can only listen to so much of the same 2 minute punk rock chord progressions before it just gets irritating. the second band, molly the machine, was more admirable. i liked their sound, though they had to keep apologizing to all the 'crust kids' (what the bloody is a 'crust kid'???) for playing more alternative-ish music than what they were used to, which meant that they couldn't thrash around buck-wild (as much, at least). the guitar intro for one of those songs sounded almost coldplayish, i was pleased. props to the drummer though, that guy was easily the most talented of the band.
ooh, and then the 'headliners' took the stage, who i'd come for. ladybug thrusts. damn, i think they've effectively developed a fan base. all those adoring 'crust kids' from earlier stuck around and thrashed around and cheered like mad. and everyone else i overheard in the audience was incredibly impressed, and picked up their free demo. i wanted to brag that i'd gotten the demo a month ago *and* a free tshirt, but that would've just been... sad and desperate. i'm glad they're getting the recognition they deserve though for being suuuuch a kickass skilled band. i mean, they're all amazing - peak performance of any non-professional vocalists/guitarists/bassists/drummers i've ever heard. especially that *drummer*... bloody helllll that guy's got skilllllllls eek
if i thought i was impressed the first time i saw them play, i was completely blown away tonight. i think they must've been feeding off the energy of those 'crust kids' in the crowd, cuz they were just *killing* those songs... at a few points it was absolutely frenetic. wow, just wow... i'd go see them again next friday if i wasn't already going to the bright eyes concert.
needless to say i'm going home sufficiently happy. except i wish i had had the guts to say hi to them again after the show. i'd really like to see that drummer again... 3nodding
reiciel · Fri Jan 14, 2005 @ 04:33am · 0 Comments |
man. people are such pricks. |
and i'll say it again.
man. people are such pricks.
i was trying hard not to get pissed at all the numb, mindless idiots in my narrative strategy in japanese fiction class today. such a waste of space and oxygen in that class when 80% of them are only there because they need another credit for their EAS programs. guess who are the only people who talk? the english majors. and me, on occasion. makes me so mad that such a good class and such an entertaining, engaging instructor are getting wasted on such vapid idiots. i swear none of them have read a novel for sheer leisurely interest since elementary school, if even then. not to mention they probably don't have a strong enough grasp of the english language to be capable of surviving a discourse and essay-heavy literature course in the first place.
why do people who don't even know how to construct a grammatically-correct sentence decide, 'hey, i'll take some literature/english courses!'? they're clogging up registration slots that should be going to students who actually *want* to be there.
and then there are the people who claim some kind of deep understanding of the complex nuances of existence and yet couldn't follow a simple narrative for the bloody life of them. even when it's delineated repeatedly right before their eyes in a charitable attempt to let their simple minds process it. hypocrites in the first degree. i would spit vulgarly at this point in time if i did such vulgar things as spitting.
there are so many people i've imagined shooting in my mind's eye. and quite a few of them whom i've shot repeatedly. maybe it's a good thing i'm living in a place where i can't get a shotgun simply by signing up for a bank account.
reiciel · Thu Jan 13, 2005 @ 05:29am · 0 Comments |
people who can pull off bright blue hair have got to be the coolest people in the whole bloody world.
i was watching '10 years younger' on tlc yesterday, and the pixie-girl hair stylist had this shock of crayola blue hair. and it sooo worked for her. she was so adorable, i want her to do my hair.
then today i had the privilege of fast-walking all the way down to class from the station beside that quirkily outdated but strangely appealing punk kid from music class last semester. complete with tight jeans and oversize-shouldered leather sex pistols-esque jacket. and the hair, aah! it was a fuschia-blue hybrid back in december, but now it seemed just simple, vivid, electric blue. i snuck so many coy glances at him under the pretense of checking if the streetlights had changed yet. ahh, something about that blue hair...
i take such irrational joy in little pleasures like that.
i never did see where he ended up going though, too bad. i guess i was too pseudo-absorbed in the bright eyes blaring over my discman trying not to seem like i was aware of his proximity to even notice when he actually vacated my proximity.
strange. i've been craving cinnabons again lately. mm...
reiciel · Wed Jan 12, 2005 @ 05:34am · 0 Comments |
nothing gets crossed out. |
ugh, my eyes are burning. i don't even know why i bothered to start one of these.
oh yes! that was it.
sheeeeeer boredom.
i need a new phone. new cds. (gahhh i wanted to order killing me, but nooo, they wouldn't reply to my email...)
i need to be not poor and need a-
bloody hell i need a new computer. scream
i feel like kicking something. and eating mango mousse cake. and lounging around in my candlelit room blasting dresden dolls on my stereo. not necessarily in that order.
oh hell, i'm such a psycho.
reiciel · Sat Jan 08, 2005 @ 03:58am · 0 Comments |