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La Reine de Halloween

La Reine de Halloween's avatar

Registered: 10/16/2007

Gender: Female

Birthday: 12/02/1993

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I'm entered in the arena, it will be up tomorrow (Monday, August 24, 200 cool , it probably sucks, but please vote anyway!

Naruto fans!!!!

Me and another of my friends are working on a story! It takes place in the Naruto world, but with our custom characters worked into it! The website is

Dear People who donate!

Whoever donates to my cause get's their avatar featured on my page! Donate and feel special!


BTW For Those Reading This: I'm bi if I didn't mention that!

Name: Tasha
Birthdate: 1993
Birthplace: Salt Spring Island, British Columbia
Current Location: Living room
Eye Color: blue-gray
Hair Color: black with “natural red” (orange) bangs, my hair is short and spiky!!!
Height: 5’5.5”
Piercing: Nose, twice in each ear and my belly button, but that's just a start!
Tattoos: gettin on when I’m 16
Boyfriend/Girlfriend: no..... T.T
Overused Phrase: Bite me, Drop dead. ... Or I’ll string you from a tree and beat you like a pinata!!!

Food: nada
Candy: chocolate...mmmm
Thing: shiny metal
Number: 13, Friday the 13th is my lucky day!!!
Color: black and orange
Animal: panda!!!!!
Drink: coffee
Alcohol Drink: I don’t drink
Letter: B and M
Body Part on Opposite sex: upper leg, arms.......

This or That
Pepsi or Coke: they taste the same?!
McDonalds or BurgerKing: ******** nasty food!
Strawberry or Watermelon: they both rock!!!
Hot tea or Ice tea: both
Chocolate or Vanilla: chocolate!
Hot Chocolate or Coffee: coffee!
Kiss or Hug: snuggling!!! ^^
Dog or Cat: both
Rap or Punk: Punk
Summer or Winter: Winter
Scary Movies or Funny Movies: scary, I love the thrill (plus it gives me a reason to cling!)
Love or Money: I cant choose! Nobody loves me anyway!

Bedtime: 10:00 (I made it 11 ish)
Most Missed Memory: hanging out with Dylan during those after school art classes.... I miss him!!!
Best physical feature: my body, or so I’ve been told... I’ve also been told it was my chest (which I hate with a passion!)
First Thought Waking Up: what time is it? Why the ******** do I care? Where’s my pillow? Why am I backwards on my bed? Why is my pillow by my dresser? Ow, wedgie! Etc, etc etc.
Goal for this year: get straight A’s, I’m succeeding so far!
Best Friends: there’s too many...
Weakness: my ticklishness...
Fears: spiders, being buried alive...
Heritage: who knows...
Longest relationship: its pathetic

Ever Drank: no
Ever Smoked: no
Pot: no
Ever been Drunk: no
Ever been beaten up: many have tried, and failed.
Ever beaten someone up: just Luke, Alex and Mitchel, but they deserved it!
Ever Shoplifted: duh
Ever Skinny Dipped: almost!
Ever Kissed Opposite sex: not making out though.
Same sex: yes
Been Dumped Lately: No

Favourite Eye Colour: I like icy-blue or blue-gray
Favourite Hair Colour: blonde on a guy for some reason...
Short or Long: guy: short girl: don’t care
Height: guy: taller than me girl: don’t care
Style: nope
Looks or Personality: Personality, looks can matter a bit though
Hot or Cute: Cute
Drugs and Alcohol: As long as their life doesn’t revolve around them.
Muscular or Really Skinny: In between I suppose.
Number of Regrets in the Past: Alot..
What country do you want to Visit: Japan or Jamaica
Been to the Mall Lately: there is no mall here.......
Do you like Thunderstorms: I ******** LOVE THEM!!!!
Get along with your Parents: pretty much
Health Freak: A bit.
Do you think your Attractive: since my girlfriends (friends who are girls!!!) Insist, then yes
Want to go to College: duh
Do you Smoke: how can I smoke if I never have?!
Do you Drink: champagne on new years, but that don’t count! I don’t get drunk off it!
Shower Daily: or every other day
Been in Love: in love, yes, loved: hardly...
Do you Sing: all the freeking time!
Want to get Married: don’t careDo you want Children: not really
Have your future kids names planned out: Tobi for either or Ophelia for a girl. I just like the name Tobi, and I know a girl by that name
Age you wanna lose your Virginity: When I want to.
Hate anyone: duh!!!

Random Fact's/Confessions!

I felt like writing a list of Facts or Confessions about me, feel free to read it, that's why it's here . . .
1) My mind has more experience than I do, it's complicated
2) I've kissed more girl's than guys
3) I've never made out with anyone before (I almost did, but got interupted)
4) My toes are webbed!
5) Guy's are afraid of me at my lame High School
6) The closest thing to a relationship that I'm in right now is in my mind, or in a story on paper . . .
7) I am obsessed with Yaoi and Shounen-ai, heheh . . .
8 ) I have loved Anime/Manga characters more than humans

There will be more!


View All Comments

dark-angel-lolita Report | 12/02/2009 6:04 pm
Happy birthday!x3
chocoholic n0iZ Report | 01/18/2009 5:55 am
chocoholic n0iZ
People, this is NOT Tasha anymore. I am her. I was scammed and I cannot log back in as her. I created my new account the day I couldn't log in and if you don't believe me quiz me about something, I'm obviously not on her friend list. Did anybody wonder why she wasn't wearing ANY CLOTHS when she had all those awesome items!?
xXGame-a-HolicXx Report | 12/22/2008 4:10 pm
dark-angel-lolita Report | 12/02/2008 5:26 pm
happy birth-day!:3
Kameron-Anemone Report | 10/07/2008 3:01 pm
Sweetness... X3 ALOHA BROHA!! LOL MESA HYPED... TTLY SAW THE LINKAGE TO OUR STORY.... YA KNOW... LOL X3 WOOTWOOT... KAMERON HAS ENTERED THE BUILDING!!!! MAKE WAY FOR THIS WIDE LOAD!!! lol JK JK Haha... I'm gonna be laughing about this all night... So, anyways... Next Tuesday, TASH!!! I'M SO GONNA GET WILD OFFA COFFEE'N'SUGAR, GO INTO THE ART ROOM WEARING LOTSA PURPLE WHILE SINGING SOME RANDOM COUNTRY SONG!!! Wooo... I'll be dead b4 class ends... Hahaha... Schweet... ;3 So, I'll only be at school next week for that one day... cuz I ttly am going on that three day drama trip. :3 And I so don't take too long to write... It's the ideas, and the mood... Dude... It's all in the timing... Oh, and Stella is the same age as Kakashi. So, when the story starts, or well, the first chap... Stella is eighteen, but after that time skip... between Maya chap/Your part... She would be Twenty-six... lol Cooly, eh? Kakashi is so wickedly awesome... And a ttl sweetheart!!! X3
ice_cream_chik Report | 08/06/2008 7:20 am
i have 2 red and 2 yellow
ice_cream_chik Report | 08/05/2008 8:43 am
y do u want to give me 100 gold?
xx-xxx-F-U-C-K-xxx-xx Report | 07/31/2008 5:53 pm
wat wat the greatest time of ur lyfe
bunnie sr Report | 07/31/2008 8:40 am
bunnie sr
umm nvm
xx-xxx-F-U-C-K-xxx-xx Report | 07/30/2008 7:50 pm

My Desired Hallowe'en Outfit, feel free to donate!

Other Desired Ava!

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Swell Sundae

Tobi is a good boy!!!! <3

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