Viewing PockyYes's profile | Profiles v1 | Gaia Online


I'd say it's been a long time since I even came on Gaia. Half a year to year would be my guess, but you are welcome to prove me wrong. Brief outline on what I've been up to


Haha! Seriously though, I've gone through a career change (I like books), evil cousins go to my high school (didn't even ******** recognize them. It was ******** freaky!), last year of high school (Gladgladgladglad), trying to pick a relevant uni course (you don't need a degree in writing, you just need to be good at it), being the advice guru for a lot of my friends (I'm like neutral ground at school, so everyone tells me s**t that I don't even want to know about. it's weird.) and trying to appease my parents by getting awesome grades in school (just failed my maths test, and I'm pretty good at maths)

Other than that, nothing much has happened except me playing more games and watching less anime. I've given up on Naruto (getting boring) and Bleach (It's ******** weird now) soo yeah i'm more gamer than what I used to be.

TALK TO ME!!! I want to be active on Gaia! I know my mind, if I know there's no one on here who wants to talk to me then I won't come back on for another 6 months or whole year. I miss Gaia! I miss you!!!

Left 4 Dead 1/2 = heart
Marvel vs Capcom 3 = heart heart heart
Mass Effect 1/2 = heart heart
Portal 1/2 = heart heart
Bioshock 1/2 = heart heart
Crysis = heart (haven't played 2 yet)
Fallout New Vegas = Laggggg....that is all
Bulletstorm = heart
Resident evil (all) = heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart
Halo Reach/1/2/3 = heart heart heart heart
Alan Wake = heart
Heavy Rain = heart
Modern Warfare 2 = heart
Black Ops = heart
You = heart


Viewing 12 of 22 friends


i_am_an_illusion Weird Occurences and Dream Diary

Well this journal is going to be about the weird things that happen in my life as well as my weird dreams. Why? Because I need some where to write these and why not let other people see it and see what they think


Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

Shades of Shawn

Report | 12/29/2011 3:46 pm

Shades of Shawn

thanks for the purchase! i like your username biggrin
K e l l u m v1

Report | 10/09/2011 1:31 pm

K e l l u m v1

thanks for the buy!

Report | 10/14/2010 3:08 am


1 million?
Congratz xD

Report | 08/26/2010 10:53 pm


I has wings~

Report | 08/19/2010 7:47 pm


*is blind*
Gaia isn't telling me when people comment on my pageeee D;

Report | 08/18/2010 5:34 pm


Haha, btw, I wasn't just using you for the Achievement ^_^ You avi really is awesome =D

Report | 08/18/2010 5:33 pm


cool avi

Report | 08/17/2010 7:03 pm



Report | 06/09/2010 4:56 am


i'm on your page, being different.

Report | 03/28/2010 12:01 am


I came on Gaia xD


sooooo...How you doin'? ;D