
I'm 18 I listen to metal, classical, and Jmetal/rock. I've been described as a living anime/manga char. many times before. I'm very wild and outgoing. I normally do my best to freak people out. I hate pop and emo music. I don't like rap, r&b, or hip hop. I have a very big family and normally and stressed about a problem with them lol. I listen to just about anyone's problems (friend or foe). I Love Excel Saga. Its my favorite anime. I love just about every creation of square (soft and enix). I beat every game I get (unless it sucks really bad and the story makes me puke). So if you have anything in common with me you can pm. Or if you just want to talk or have a question feel free to pm me.
I also like poetry... If one thinks I should start to post my poems in my journal please tell. I don't think anyone will respond to this but I've been surprised before ^_^
Yours in life and death,


Viewing 12 of 41 friends


animalinstinct's Journal

I keep changing my Journal Description but it doesn't work.

Why must we be? I started as a perky little person. Now I want to write my depressing poetry. I wont delete my older posts but please don't call me immature. Just my past.



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 05/07/2010 3:56 am


soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo booorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeddddddddddddddd get online more often on here and not just FB brat razz love ya
lil sweat heart

Report | 11/22/2009 7:23 pm

lil sweat heart

nice profile
Lord Gwee

Report | 11/02/2009 6:55 pm

Lord Gwee

Lol, you should take the Nitemare headband off your wishlist.

Report | 11/02/2009 12:49 pm


User Image

isnt she kawai i hope it shows xD

Report | 10/31/2009 7:36 pm


yawns you look almost as awesome as me sis

Report | 10/28/2009 12:45 pm


I'll take pictures. I've got the outfit done already http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v394/Veil/My%20photos/Hanyuuoutfit.jpg
but I'll be painting my horns and having my wig styled today
Nah I'm not really the type to glomp as I fear crushing the hapless cosplayer xD
I heard at one of the Youmacons I went to a fangirl attempted to glomp somebody but they moved out of the way and the person smacked into a pillar cracking it D:

Report | 10/27/2009 9:20 pm


Going as Hanyuu from Higurashi no Naku Koro ni

Report | 10/25/2009 7:27 pm


As do I, when I want to be. xD
Haha yeah but then you have to go to collage for another few years of your life. Collage is more fun in my opinion, harder but more enjoyable.
I will. I seem to be enjoying it for a lot of people who can't go xD
I'm excited, I'll finally have a unique (as in I won't see tons of other cosplays like mine), comfortable, and most important a cosplay I'll enjoy wearing to this con.

Report | 10/25/2009 7:10 pm


Hey, you remembered me =D
It's been pretty good. Hectic since I started collage and even more hectic this time of year. With midterms and preparing for an anime con

Report | 10/25/2009 6:14 pm


LOL BRAT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hugs i love you razz


3nodding Tis True 3nodding