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i was bored so i wrote a poem but it dont got a title

One by one
My brothers fell
I continued the fight
To drag the foe to hell

No time to mourn
For their loss
I must stop them
No matter the cost

I stand alone
My gun in hand
I see waves of them
And know that I must make the final stand

I begin to fire
I fight with all my might
I wont stand down
They will die tonight

I must stop them
With my merciless hand
For if I dont
Mankind will lose this final stand

I feel the pain
as bullets rip through me
The explosions from their grenades
knocking me about with ease

I stood near the end
I felt the blood flow from each wound
I start to collapse
And feel that the end is soon

But there are more of them
I watch them spread their forces thick and wide
for sitting behind me
is the means for the humans to survive

In the darkness of the night
I know how many i made in sin
and i smile a devil's smile
for i have found use for the bombs i hid

Iwith a simple click of a button they go off
and the foe are caught and enveloped in flame
I smile and as they die i welcome death
for i have won again

I hear it coming before i see it
I wince in pain as im sucked into the flames
I fall to my knees
For i have never felt this kind of pain

I feel myself weakening
The smoke makes me hack
i fall the the ground and begin to fade
Into deaths dark grip in black....

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Total Value: 4,819,783 Gold
[Item Information]

Item List:
Red Whiskers Face Tattoo
Red Nosey Face Tattoo
Those Black 90s Gloves
Brown SKA shoes
Black Heartbreaker Jacket
Shinjuku Nobody
Fox Tail
Fox Ears
Malice Punk
Inari's Beads 12th Gen

Forbidden Songs
lay beneath black sand
eternal fears
release like the Ocean's fury
unstoppable tears
return with vengence
Lithium clouds my senses
covers my soul
black water where my blood once was
dark with sinful glow
times my lie
an illusion governed by lost souls
return my clowns
my sinful pawns of chess
paper flowers like my hollow grave
an eternal glory covored by silver tears
shatterd mirrors show each flaw
a chaotic truth that no one can hide
an imaginary kingdom
a blue sky with stars shining bold
the silence opens my colored skull
opening to a black pearl
the moon reveal her own demise
she replies all with truth in lies
though bright she is black
though black she is white
where can truth remain?
can she hide in the shadows of night?
No, for fear of the dark she stays
in the hell of the light
a bliss covered in shadow explains
seekers of prey are prey of gods
old and new alike
fools in madness
a glory of sweet sacrifice
learning own battles
a fight that must be fought
a doom for piece in mystic pleasure
sins of man lie in my blood
an eternal resting place
though i am truth
i was created by lies of many
lies are tainted with ink like shadow
a truth unrevieled by that of lies
in all truth
truth lies
the light she loved
is now a clouded pool
like the black water
in my blood.....

this poem is by a friend of mine




Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

M e l o d i c D o l l

Report | 07/15/2012 1:20 am

M e l o d i c D o l l

You should read my previous comment first e.e

Okie Explanation timeee::

Meh 2 month late birthday wish because I was cleaning out my comments section
and happened to notice I use to talk to you a long time ago XD
So I thought I'd just randomly comment on ure profile and give you a belated birthday wish LOL
M e l o d i c D o l l

Report | 07/15/2012 1:18 am

M e l o d i c D o l l

Happy Birthday Stranger..lololol

~From Stranger.

Report | 05/17/2012 9:35 pm


Happy birthday!(:
By the way I need some more orgasmic waffles biggrin

Report | 12/04/2011 9:56 am

luvable tooth paste

Report | 10/12/2011 3:11 pm

luvable tooth paste

....♥SeXy♥..♥SeXy♥ ...♥SeXy♥...♥SeXy♥ .♥SeXy♥.......♥SeXy♥ ...♥SeXy.♥.....♥SeXy♥ ......♥SeXy♥ ...........♥SeXy♥ ♥SeXy♥......♥SeXy♥ .♥SeXy♥.......♥SeXy♥ ...♥SeXy♥...♥SeXy♥ .........♥SeXy♥ ♥SeXy♥♥SeXy♥♥SeXy♥ ♥SeXy♥♥SeXy♥♥SeXy♥ ♥SeXy♥ ♥SeXy♥ ♥SeXy♥♥SeXy♥ ♥SeXy♥♥SeXy♥ ♥SeXy♥ ♥SeXy♥ ♥SeXy♥♥SeXy♥♥SeXy♥ ♥SeXy♥♥SeXy♥♥SeXy♥ ♥SeXy♥........♥SeXy♥ .♥SeXy♥......♥SeXy♥ ..♥SeXy♥....♥SeXy♥ ...♥SeXy♥..♥SeXy♥ ....♥SeXy♥.♥SeXy♥ ....♥SeXy♥♥SeXy♥ ...♥SeXy♥..♥SeXy♥ ..♥SeXy♥....♥SeXy♥ .♥SeXy♥......♥SeXy♥ ♥SeXy♥........♥SeXy♥ ♥SeXy♥......♥SeXy♥ ♥SeXy♥......♥SeXy♥ ♥SeXy♥.....♥SeXy♥ .♥SeXy♥...♥SeXy♥ ..S♥eXy♥.♥SeXy♥ ...♥SeXy♥SeXy♥♥ .......♥SeXy♥ ......♥SeXy♥ ......♥SeXy♥ .....♥SeXy♥ ....♥SeXy♥ ...♥SeXy♥ ..♥SeXy

Report | 07/22/2011 6:32 pm


How was it awkward? gonk
asianmayu mule

Report | 07/22/2011 1:39 pm

asianmayu mule

cool avi

Report | 07/22/2011 12:42 pm


hi my friend y do u feel so empty neutral

Report | 07/22/2011 9:03 am


Sorry gonk I didn't mean to. redface

Report | 07/22/2011 5:32 am


... Why is she mad at me? o.o