Viewing chyennez's profile | Profiles v1 | Gaia Online


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Viewing 12 of 41 friends


life of neviler

i just bought a 8k wild thing and i love the choice i made!

omg i just noticed i make 8k in a day



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 01/06/2010 8:03 pm


Hey! Long Time No See! biggrin

Report | 12/19/2009 6:53 am


copy this to 10 profiles so you can get 10,000,000g it works im rich!!
copy this to 10 profiles so you can get 10,000,000g it works im rich!!
copy this to 10 profiles so you can get 10,000,000g it works im rich!!
copy this to 10 profiles so you can get 10,000,000g it works im rich!!
copy this to 10 profiles so you can get 10,000,000g it works im rich!!
copy this to 10 profiles so you can get 10,000,000g it works im rich!!
copy this to 10 profiles so you can get 10,000,000g it works im rich!!
copy this to 10 profiles so you can get 10,000,000g it works im rich!!
copy this to 10 profiles so you can get 10,000,000g it works im rich!!
copy this to 10 profiles so you can get 10,000,000g it works im rich!!
copy this to 10 profiles so you can get 10,000,000g it works im rich!!
copy this to 10 profiles so you can get 10,000,000g it works im rich!!
copy this to 10 profiles so you can get 10,000,000g it works im rich!!
copy this to 10 profiles so you can get 10,000,000g it works im rich!!
copy this to 10 profiles so you can get 10,000,000g it works im rich!!
copy this to 10 profiles so you can get 10,000,000g it works im rich!!
copy this to 10 profiles so you can get 10,000,000g it works im rich!
copy this to 10 profiles so you can get 10,000,000g it works im rich!!
copy this to 10 profiles so you can get 10,000,000g it works im rich!!
copy this to 10 profiles so you can get 10,000,000g it works im rich!!
copy this to 10 profiles so you can get 10,000,000g it works im rich!!
copy this to 10 profiles so you can get 10,000,000g it works im rich!!
copy this to 10 profiles so you can get 10,000,000g it works im rich!!
copy this to 10 profiles so you can get 10,000,000g it works im rich!!
copy this to 10 profiles so you can get 10,000,000g it works im rich!!
copy this to 10 profiles so you can get 10,000,000g it works im rich!!
copy this to 10 profiles so you can get 10,000,000g it works im rich!!
copy this to 10 profiles so you can get 10,000,000g it works im rich!!
copy this to 10 profiles so you can get 10,000,000g it works im rich!!
copy this to 10 profiles so you can get 10,000,000g it works im rich!!
copy this to 10 profiles so you can get 10,000,000g it works im rich!!
copy this to 10 profiles so you can get 10,000,000g it works im rich!!
copy this to 10 profiles so you can get 10,000,000g it works im rich!!
copy this to 10 profiles so you can get 10,000,000g it works im rich!

Report | 12/10/2009 6:05 pm


my aunntie

Report | 12/10/2009 4:22 pm



Report | 12/10/2009 3:31 pm


but she wirtes in spanish and only know how to talk in spanish so i sound it out

Report | 12/10/2009 3:28 pm


srry its that im takin to my aunt from DR through windows live and she just got on

Report | 12/10/2009 3:19 pm


aah men i olny play fake guitar like on rock band or giutar hero

Report | 12/10/2009 3:18 pm


ahh men i aways wanted too play giutar!! -_- lucky

Report | 12/10/2009 3:14 pm


ahh man i wanna now how to draw stuff

Report | 12/10/2009 3:02 pm


tllz mewere do u go to schoolz


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