
Fear me, for I am the hamster overlord!~ Bow before my seed nibbling fury! Fear Fear!!

Wanted: Minions for the evil dark hamster overlord. Must be cute and menacing. Dental and medical benefits for full time employees.

call 1-800-666-EVIL


Alright, due to popular demand this profile has been extended to reveal more about the person behind the Evil Hamster Overlord.

Welcome to The Evil Hamster Overlord E! True Hollywood Story!

Lai-Lai is a stubborn, narcissistic, misogynist, who enjoys drawing, reading and plotting the eventual destruction of mankind.

Originally from the desert, Lai moved all over the west coast till she finally settled in the place of her dreams - the desert.

Lai-Lai has tried many jobs before settling on Hamster Enslaver of Mankind. These jobs include: circus performer, wig stylist, professional comic artist, monkey groomer, fitting room slave, and movie king.

She believes that circus performer was by far the most fun even though she never actually got to perform. However, being a fitting room slave she had but this to say. "CLEAN UP AFTER YOURSELVES YOU FILTHY FILTHY PIGS!."

Lai loves people who type out full words instead of using chatspeak. The English language can form lovely imagery, and can spark the imagination and create inspiration in the hearts of men... It will not do that however, "1f u t4lk l1ke ur stoopid"

She also like classical techno music, Cirque du Soliel (Alegria is her favorite), and thinking of comic stories. She never actually gets around to drawing her stories, she simply thinks them up writes them down and moves on to think of another one.

Lai Hates beggers. If you drop her a PM about how you want her OMG hat or Nitemare scarf for free, you will get a return PM that will be so full of hate that it will actually burn your retinas out as you read it. So please, dont send Lai mail about how you want her stuff, she doesnt like to waste her time with morons.

She also dislikes fresh grapefruit, the smell of popcorn, females, and the show That's so Raven on Disney Channel. (The Evil Hamster overlord plans to nuke the person that came up with that show, bring them back to life, then nuke them again.)

Watching Disney Cartoons is one of Lai's favorite pastimes. Her favorite is Beauty and the Beast. Her next goal, besides world domination, is to be the person who plays the Ariel character at Disney Land. (She wanted to be belle of course, but unfortunately her hair is red and wigs are itchy.)


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Lai-Lai for dummies - paperback edition

So I finally got around to making a journal (trumpet fanfare) They've been out a while, I know. I [i]thought[/i] I had made one, but it seems the evil gaian servers have eaten it, for the best Im sure.


Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 12/24/2008 5:31 pm


merry christmas!

Report | 12/24/2007 6:04 pm


merry christmas!

Report | 08/14/2007 8:55 am


block hed

Report | 04/10/2007 12:36 pm


ooooo....hampsters smile

Report | 12/29/2006 7:50 am


Hey! Nice to see ya!

Report | 12/24/2006 7:43 pm


merry christmas!

Report | 10/21/2006 3:22 pm


Ok... my snakes dont really obey me...
I have back up though...
I didn't want to put my vaulable kitty's to war...
but... you still should just join me!

Report | 10/21/2006 3:19 pm


Fool, Hamsters just wont cut it. If you challenge me I have no choice but to use my snake minions against you. Ok I have a choice, but I like this one! MWAH HAHAHA. Surrender now and I might let you help me!
Ga Ku To

Report | 10/18/2006 7:26 am

Ga Ku To


Well he might. xD

Report | 10/16/2006 9:26 am


i'm excited for you. i hope you make it!

happy birthday!!!
