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Agrikar the Hidden

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I'm a writer.

I'm extremely egotistical and arrogant. In turn I believe that if I really, really want to, I could pretty much top anyone in any endeavor I tried my hand at.

I've written two books, both of which I'm trying to get published, and there are many more where those came from. I write poems from time to time, I have eight out right now, all of which you can view in the Arena under my name.

I'm an intellectual by nature; I'm constantly thinking about different things, and when there is a question I'll pretty much always end up finding out the answer.

I'm a gamer and that's pretty much how I waste time when not wasting time in school or spending it writing.


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Aries_LT Report | 02/04/2010 8:27 pm
Hey. Hey you. I know who you are.

Heheh, technically you could become a GFGer. xD
Kokihi Report | 07/30/2009 1:29 pm
Thank you for buying from me!
Galad Aglaron Report | 07/27/2009 3:52 am
Galad Aglaron
I must admit, though, my latest roleplay has been anything but mindless. A superhero setting with dramatic, romantic characters that play out like some bizarre preternatural soap opera? That sort of thing can't be achieved lightly.

You and I should roleplay sometime. It is very rare that I find someone whose skill is equal to mine. And remember, it ain't boasting if it's true.
Galad Aglaron Report | 07/26/2009 5:02 am
Galad Aglaron
I grew weary of the Arena. I know that wise men must oft endure the stones and arrows of fools, but I got tired of sharing my writing with people who didn't appreciate it. These days, I just use Gaia for roleplaying. XP Mindless fun.
Galad Aglaron Report | 07/26/2009 4:49 am
Galad Aglaron
Birds of a feather and all that. Probably why all the smart kids tend to stick together in my school too, considering it's populated by the most worthless imbeciles ever spawned by this misbegotten grotesquery of a race.

Sorry. I have issues. sweatdrop
Galad Aglaron Report | 07/26/2009 4:42 am
Galad Aglaron
Ah, Simone de Beauvoir, how much I owe you. "One is not born, but becomes a woman..."

Obviously, I'm not a woman, but the principal still applies.

You're smart. I think I like you!
Galad Aglaron Report | 07/26/2009 4:37 am
Galad Aglaron
I mostly write fiction, prose and poetry both, but mostly prose. And of that, mostly fantasy. And of the poetry, I write mostly haiku. I like haiku.

I once wrote a meditation on existentialism, though. I think it's in the Arena...
Galad Aglaron Report | 07/26/2009 4:11 am
Galad Aglaron
I don't know. Something about your username is compellingly familiar. Are you sure I didn't charge into your thread on religion, slinging self-righteous fury left right and center? Or maybe you took umbrage at something I said about something you wrote, or I took umbrage about something you said about something I wrote?
Galad Aglaron Report | 07/26/2009 4:05 am
Galad Aglaron
Do I know you?
Iudicious Report | 07/16/2009 3:55 pm
Thank you for the short critique. You're the only one so far who has said anything in the thread.
I'll look over all the stuff you put on the arena. You might want to include some links in your thread so that people don't have to find your posts in the arena manually.


"And we knew not at the time what God or King they served, for they descended upon us, Of Shadows and Steel, with Death and Vengeance in their hands, and the corpse of Mercy on their backs..."


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