Viewing Estrogen SUKA's profile | Profiles v1 | Gaia Online


Welcome to my profile. A few key points I would like to cover right up front are as follows:

~ No Random Friend Invites. I will not accept them.
~ No Random Guild Invites. I will not accept them.
~ No PMing me with your quest desires. I do not care.
~ No RPing. Pixels don't turn me on.
~ No "Hater" comments.
~ All my avatars are MY creations.

*Note to all spammers who are PMing me. I've reported you all.*

I am the leader of the Female Gamer Pride Guild and the thread as well. I am also the founder of the Original Pregnancy Support thread. Beware the imitators! D;

I don't tolerate "haters", also known as flamers, in either of my threads. I will report them and ban hammer [blacklist] them without mercy. It's impolite and downright rude to spam my threads with your nonsense.

I do not like chat speak. I rather spend my time talking with literate people. Deciphering posts is not my idea of fun. Sorry.

I am in my early 20's. I'm not too old for Gaia, you all are simply too young. ;D
I am married to a wonderful man who serves in the USAF. I support the military. Don't try to argue with me about the war, you won't like the wrath of this woman.

I am neither Pro-Choice or Pro-Life. I am neutral on that subject.
I am NOT for Gay Marriage. Oh well.
I am brutal in the arenas. I don't sugar coat anything I say.
I am a Gamer who happens to have real lady bits.

All in all, I'm not a huge witch with a capital "B"...but I don't take kindly to Gaians who feel like they need to bombard my pregnant ladies with insults. Nor am I kind to those who enter my Female Gamer thread calling us all "Nubbie Byatches". My favorite button happens to be the report button and it's a fine weapon when beating off the trolls. ;DDD

Lastly, I am a fan of Quatro and her amazing art.
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Okay! Updated Photo anyone?
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Viewing 12 of 18 friends


Pregnancy Support Thread Announcements

Used to make side notes, announcements, ideas, etc. I LOVE YOU LADIES! In a non-sexual way of course XD



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 12/30/2010 10:17 am


OMG HAI! heart
Been a long time! How are you??
the girl who likes cocks

Report | 10/06/2010 2:07 pm

the girl who likes cocks

Hi girly How have u been? heart heart
Veunus Rahl

Report | 04/16/2010 6:23 pm

Veunus Rahl

Happy birthday
iFlorencia Fiction

Report | 03/13/2010 7:36 pm

iFlorencia Fiction

I adore your thread in the LD, about female gamers. I'm addictive to xbox live, well Call of duty mostly! I salute you! biggrin

Report | 03/08/2010 5:46 pm


Hi. I don't understand why you want your FGP guild to disband, or what that means? It's still a fairly active guild. I'm just asking. Does this mean you're going to delete it?
Killer Rainbows

Report | 01/29/2010 11:25 am

Killer Rainbows

Hi there. I was skimming through the Lifestyle Discussion and came across your pregnancy thread. I am not pregnant, but I did enjoy your thread. It was informative without being bland, and if I were pregnant I would feel comfortable posting there. Good job. :]
panda rayne

Report | 01/28/2010 4:05 am

panda rayne

Welcome back Suka!

Report | 12/13/2009 11:24 pm


Aww, this profile made my night. Keep up the fabulous! surprised

Report | 11/12/2009 7:06 pm


Hello there, I'm on a mission.
I'm reminding Gaian's from the LI, like you, that you're beautiful the way you are C:
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Your hair is cute C:
Not many people can pull off short hair! ^^

Report | 10/23/2009 8:05 pm


so ur a gamer


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