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Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

_x_Sinful Desires_x_

Report | 01/07/2011 12:35 am

_x_Sinful Desires_x_

Helllurrr biggrin

Report | 10/10/2008 2:58 pm


good. you know how i went to go see the olympics?? well i saw the Federer dude and the Williams sisters...and phelps. it was cool.everythings alright. and you??btw, this is my new account so ill send you a friend request.

Report | 10/09/2008 2:57 pm


well im still sorry...i feel really bad. is there a way to make it up to u?

Report | 10/08/2008 4:37 pm


im sorry for jumping to conclusions...really. i diidn't know you had two accounts and i was trying to be a good friend and defend you, but it turned out differently. sorry it took me so long to reply. my account had a glitch er something...

Report | 09/12/2008 6:12 pm


Sock Monkey_95

Report | 08/02/2008 7:22 am

Sock Monkey_95

lol. yeah i guess. i change from time to time. are you reading anything interesting lately? im reading this book called kira-kira. im in china. i was adopted and brought to the u.s when i was 6 months old by and american women. i was going to go to the place i was adopted but all plans got calceled because my grandfather died. i guess ill never get to see my homeland? idk. you know how i live in new mexico? well theres a low population of asain people at my school and people look at me all weird....makes me feel kinda self conscious in a way. but how is your summer so far?
Sock Monkey_95

Report | 08/01/2008 1:50 am

Sock Monkey_95

your back to your original self. no sense of evolution.
Sock Monkey_95

Report | 07/29/2008 6:29 am

Sock Monkey_95

okie then. ummmm...timing is different where i am soooo...uhh wait..its 9:30 right NJ??its...9:30 in the morning i supose...or around that time.... i think...
Sock Monkey_95

Report | 07/28/2008 7:24 pm

Sock Monkey_95

okie then. later dude who is slightely girlie. still just joking. bye
Sock Monkey_95

Report | 07/28/2008 7:19 pm

Sock Monkey_95

why'd you send my comment back? you do know that i am really just joking with you for the fun of it right?


Plz Donate 100 gold, it's your way of saying thx ^-^
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