Rabid Bunnie

Rabid Bunnie's avatar

Registered: 11/02/2003

Gender: Female

Birthday: 05/21/1990

Tiny yet impossible wishlist


Super high school level Dir en grey fan


I'm a 23 (oh god when did that happen I was just 19 a second ago)
year old magical girl. I live with my hubby and four dogs.
I like hobbies that are not appropriate for my age or my
income, like Gothic Lolita fashion, collecting useless anime
figures, and playing video games. I particularly like to play
Journey, OFF, Silent Hill, Fatal Frame, TWEWY, and all of the SMT games.

This username gives me a great deal of embarrassment but I've had it for ten years now so I can't bring myself to change it. Just call me Hachi or Eight.

Check out my OC art request thread below ↴

Call me Hachi. Dumb username is a decade old, can't bring myself to change it.
In a Pokecoma. Add me 5472-7397-5127! Be sure to tell me yours so I can add you!

User Image


The weirdo with the tooth ghost is one of my
many characters; Wilhelmina. The art is by
Agent_Dax and the pixel sprite is by Saltwort