Reaver Darkside

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Last Login: 05/23/2024 7:59 pm

Birthday: 01/05

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Nicht-Nacht Report | 03/21/2015 3:04 pm
hey there .
long time no talk .
animekittyninja-aka kiki Report | 09/08/2013 1:05 am
animekittyninja-aka kiki
Alright. Maybe I will. =)
animekittyninja-aka kiki Report | 09/07/2013 11:14 am
animekittyninja-aka kiki
Hey Reaver! I saw you had quoted my in the Naruto guild. I was kind of surprised since I know I hadn't been a member for at least least a year. I would like to return, however work has my every moment right now so I really have no time or energy for roleplaying often like I used to. I don't know if I'd be able to return to the guild. (Plus, pretty sure Kikyo and Kanshin would have died of old age by now.)
Shikamettsura Report | 01/06/2012 1:39 am
Happy belated birthday, Dylan~! I should have commented earlier but I totally forgot. I'm sowwy~! Do you have any specific birthday request? And I'll try and fulfill it. <3
Drago_the_Blackrose Report | 02/12/2011 1:43 pm
never been here before.., *hack slash Kill destroy Repeat*
Nicht-Nacht Report | 01/02/2011 3:04 pm
Hey long time no talk.
Haha. Wow, looking at the old comments! Damn! What a downer I was P:
How have things been with you?
: )
Gateway Bunny Report | 02/12/2010 1:27 pm
Gateway Bunny
Bro, Look in the MU's for e since i fixed them and hurry with a post i leaf bro. Im bored that im doing school work which i hate.
Nicht-Nacht Report | 01/25/2010 10:23 pm
Well I'm not really complaining.
I'm still alive, and I'm not going to purposely change that.
Whatever happens, happens.
Fighting the inevitable is just stupid and pointless.
Nicht-Nacht Report | 01/25/2010 1:43 pm
Well I know people will care, I mean I almost made my boyfriend cry, and we weren't even going out at the time.
And I like doing drugs, I don't like being part of this earth, and any chance to leave it I'll take.
I don't want to die, but if the chance came, I wouldn't fight it like I did before.
& I'm 17.
Nicht-Nacht Report | 01/25/2010 1:12 pm
Sounds like daily life for some.
My life is full of guilt at the moment,
fighting the black wolf in me while trying to figure out how to stop feeding it & start feeding the white wolf (Native Stuff)
Getting ******** up everyday wishing sometimes that I could maybe get so ******** up that God would condemn me to his territory.
I almost died not that long ago, from a Meth overdose, my boyfriend spent the whole night trying to keep me from sleeping, cause I stopped breathing.
Sometimes I wished, I did stop...It's complicated I don't want to commit suicide but death seems to be so near to me these days.

My Information. :]

Requesting Avatar Art or Art of my Role Play Characters. Message or comment me with prices or questions.
I'm searching for people who buy items from the cash shop.


"Do you wanna feel pain? Takin' my name in vain
Caring never felt so lame inside
Anybody else got pride? Do you wanna take my life?
Maybe I'll reverse my ride
Who the hell are you? ******** YOU!
Better suck it up 'cause you bled through
Better get away from me
Stay the ******** away from me!"

Eyeless ~ Slipknot

Fallout 3 Achievement!
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About Me

•Dylan Grim.
•January 5th.
Prefered Names-
•Reaver Darkside.
•Lord Darkside.
Unannounced Titles-
•The Demon of Many Masks
•The Laughing Puppeteer
•The Shattered Marionette
Favorite Colors-
Favorite Elements-
Relationship Status-
•Video Games.
•Literate Role Playing.
•Chain letters/mail.
Prefered Role Plays-
Hated Role Plays-
•Boarding school.
Xbox Live Gamertag

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Once bitten, our eyes dilate.
Our hair stands on end.
Our skin becomes goose flesh.
Offered a frightening diversion, a child will cover their eyes and peek through their fingers.
Dont show me.
Show me.


†~Avatar Art~†

~Member since 04/06/2007~