

Umm...well, the first thing you should know is that I suck at describing myself. I don't think I'd be an impartial judge. I'm a fairly open person. Whatever you know about me- there's a reason for it. And whatever you don't know will stay that way- a secret.
So, I'll leave it up to you. Get to know me and you can make up your own mind!
But in general (copied off facebook teehee):
The Basics:
My name is C. 18, female, MN.
Knowledge in all subjects and the process of acquiring it, puns, quotes, using ellipses, philosophy and philosophical discussions, trains, planes and automobiles, talking on the phone for hours on end, getting impatient with elderly drivers, unicorn candles named Phineas, words, feigning expertise, hypocrisy, finding utter peace and contentment while taking public transit, writing and reading when I have the time, astronomy, bursting peoples' bubbles, verbosity, bad jokes, good jokes, mediocre jokes, blowing money on horrible movies then ranting about their horribleness, thinking meerkats are the s**t, moments of painful clarity, plotting, listing, sleeping, driving somewhere and not knowing how you ended up there, being a nerd, frolicking, daydreaming/escaping reality for short periods of time only to have it bite you in the a** later, manic depression...at least the manic phase, laughing/attempting (and failing miserably) to sound witty and funny, blowing off my responsibilities to run away and people watch, laziness, becoming a crazy cat lady, being indecisive, talking to myself, music, looking through stained glass windows, playing on the swings, being barefoot, getting lost, mind games and you.
Favorite Music:
I like music...preferably music that involves angsty people screaming.
I will listen to almost anything other than Blues or Country.
Favorite TV Shows:
Bones, Big Bang Theory, True Blood, Glee, Scrubs, Supernatural( And no, I don't watch anime...at all. Sorry to disappoint, Gaia.)
Favorite Movies:
I love scary movies and funny movies...unfortunately, nothing really scares nor amuses me.
I also have an affinity for documentaries...but I can't stand indy flicks.
Favorite Books:
I love to read so I can't just chose one. 1984, Elsewhere, anything by Ned Vizzini, Animal's People, A Certain Slant of Light, Stiff, Plato and a Platypus Walk Into a Bar, Conversations with The Devil, The Illusionist
These will all change in about a week.
About friend requests: I don't accept random request. Get to know me first.
About donations: I donate randomly based on the sigs I see in the forums. Begging will automatically guarantee that I'll never give you anything.

And if you're still reading (creep), here-have some quotes spewed at you! Or rather, just one quote. It sums up everything in my life anyway.
"Alas! A cornucopia of love."-Dumbledore, PPP.


Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 10/20/2013 11:32 am


cool avie!!!

Report | 11/19/2011 4:05 pm


Sorry, I forgot to tell you. o_o
Not that my Tumblr is interesting or anything.

Report | 11/19/2011 1:29 pm


Your avis are always so cute!!
I'm selling all my items and leaving gaia.
So I'll give you your Super Unnatural back whenever you want it. (:
Hope everything is going well for you!

Report | 06/18/2011 7:59 pm


Oh, I think with the whole idea of college approaching is leaving my mind.
I'm pretty happy about it. but I'm definitely getting there!


Report | 06/13/2011 4:42 pm


I know. :/
I try hard not to think about it though.
I'll have an occasional dream or thought about her, but I put it in the back of my mind.
Where she belongs.

And yes! But the person doesn't know. My friends do.

Report | 06/12/2011 11:13 pm


I wrote a haiku about your username and my feelings about it! c:
No lie.. you taught me a new word and now I want to improve my vocabulary whee

(And I was having fun with the quoting thing xD; )

What's Nictitating?
-searches google- I'm ill read
blinking membrane? Wow! surprised

Report | 06/12/2011 9:40 pm


Oh that sounds kind of boring! But hey, it's what you wanna do! I'm horrible at biology but I'm hoping that when I go to college it'll change.

You remember?
And I don't talk to her anymore. She actually texted me on May 29, a day before my birthday and we left off on a sort of good note but I haven't texted her or tried since then.
I just feel like I want to leave it at that, "good note." You know?

And plus, I'm crushin' on someone. :3

Report | 06/12/2011 9:07 pm


Haha thank you! And I'm going to major in criminal justice at a college in Springfield, Ma.
Oh really? What are you interning in? O__O

Report | 06/12/2011 9:02 pm


I know! That's why i decided to leave you a beautiful comment~
I'm doing alright. Just finished high school. :3

What about you?

Report | 06/12/2011 8:47 pm



