The GS

Hello. Welcome to this page. I am the mule account for The Gang Stars, or known as The GS. You come here to trade with the guild, and to be accepted until we get our money for the guild. No begging. The reason why we ask for trade, we need 20k so we can open the guild. If you donate as much gold as possible, we would be able to do that. Please help.

The current owners are:
I Bubbles I

To be able to get in, you have to answer these questions.
Why You Want to Join:
Extra: ((Optional))

We Accept All Gaians!



Tek Tek: ((You wear this starhat If you don't put the GS in front of your name. Not required to do either.))

User Image You can wear it if your a noob like this account or rich like this avi


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I Bubbles I

Hello! This is Crackurz. Or what ever my name is. I am a leader, along with bubbles. I and bubbles are Jesus. So listen us. No begging for gold. Or possiblities will be that you get kicked out. We do accept all gaians. So don't worry. All you have to do is fill out the form and your good to go after we look at it. And to trade to the guild/forum you have to trade the mule.