How To Catch Me

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That Guy

RazgrizXU's avatar

Last Login: 03/20/2014 7:12 pm

Registered: 02/03/2008

Gender: Male

Songs I Enjoy

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schmorgie13 Report | 03/07/2009 7:52 pm
XD I just felt the need to wear that mask.
[.Ichigo-Chan.] Report | 02/15/2009 3:10 pm
it's cute, thanks! :]
Madlibzz Report | 02/13/2009 7:18 am
Well basicaly everything that happened is what the news is saying. I'm alright, and we are still in our house. But the FBI is considering evacuating the rest of the street for 5 days. The houses closest to the crash are already evacuated.
It was insane. Like a giant fireball of doom. Damn was it scary. But thank the lord my family is okay. I'll write about in my journal later. I have a lot of things to do.
[.Ichigo-Chan.] Report | 02/01/2009 7:15 pm
i used bbc but something screwed up and it came out as html. :/
stupid gaia comment box.
[.Ichigo-Chan.] Report | 02/01/2009 5:28 pm
yeah, i am terribly clumsey. it's a curse.
but it makes people laugh, so it's okay. as long as i like, don't die or anything.
'cause death isn't fun. or funny.
MysteriousSoulreaper Report | 01/16/2009 9:53 pm
Wow, I never knew that. thank you. :} I really should pick up a copy for myself, but I've heard that the second is going to be much much better.
MysteriousSoulreaper Report | 01/16/2009 9:25 pm
Love your profile pictures. How come the Altair one has a Chemical Structure in the background?
RazgrizXU Report | 01/08/2009 3:03 pm
HUGE technology convention live coverage starting at 7:00pm 1/8/09, like now. It is on G4, 129 TW like 340-360 on DTV. It will preview every new technology planned to be releaded this year. Operating systems, computers, cell phones, software, platforms, TVs, PDAs, everything. This is a multi day convention.
MysteriousSoulreaper Report | 12/29/2008 7:11 pm
Well G4 is a single source which tends not to appreciate unique games with a smaller niche. So I can't call it great because for most people it just isn't their thing. But Atlus always produces Darker and weirder RPGs than most studios, exactly the kind of thing I'm drawn to. If you don't really know if it's your thing then a GameFly rental is definitely the way to go. 3nodding
Matto In Space Report | 12/29/2008 3:28 pm
Matto In Space
oh wow, nope my profile is Mario now and I got an awesome Legend of Zelda video on it :3

A Bit About Me:

I am known in many games and profiles as razgriz or mobius.
- Favorite Show:
Clannad, Angel Beats
- Hobbies:
- Waste of all spare time:
I waste the majority of my spare time Playing MMORPGs
(massive multiplayer online role-playing games),
Strategy games, and participating in Forums (outside of Gaia forums), writing. Lots of writing. I pump pages a day.

~Select Quotes~

The object of war is not to die for your country
but to make the other b*****d die for his.
-George S. Patton, Jr.

War does not determine who is right - only who is left.
-Bertrand Russell

Any man who wants to be president is either
an egomaniac or crazy.
-Dwight D. Eisenhower

Courtesy is as much a mark of a gentleman as courage.
-Theodore Roosevelt

If you could kick the person in the pants responsible
for most of your trouble, you wouldn't sit for a month.
-Theodore Roosevelt

For the people who always hold me up,
I put my daily thoughts into this Rhapsody.
Deliver my feeling of appreciation.
Thanks for always.
Thanks, for real.
No matter where you are, I'm grateful for your presence.
When the twilight city was bathed in vermilion.
I walked the streets without a care.
In the afternoon, when crowds of comer and goers swell,
I tried just sort of standing still.
When a tiny gap that opened in my heart,
I tried to fill it by learning cell phone manners.
You're not alone, just look.
We'll hold each other up.
For the people who always hole me up,
I put my daily thoughts into this Rhapsody.
Deliver my feeling of appreciation.
Thanks for always.
Thanks, for real.
No matter where you are, I'm grateful for your presence.

~Thank You !!~

More Moe!!!