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Come here, please hold my hand, Lord, now
Help me, I'm scared please show me how
To fight this, God has a master plan
And I guess, I am in his demand

Please save me, this time I cannot run
And I'll see, you when this is done
And now I, have come to realize
That you are, the one who's left behind

Please stay untill I'm gone
I'm here hold on to me
I'm right here waiting

I see, the light it feels good
And I'll come, back soon just like you would
It's use less, my name has made the list
And I wish, I gave you one last kiss

Please stay untill I'm gone
I'm here hold on to me
I'm right here waiting
And take my one last breath
And don't forget
That I will be right here waiting

Please stay untill I'm gone
I'm here hold on to me
I'm right here waiting
And take my one last breath
And don't forget
That I will be right here waiting

Please stay untill I'm gone
I'm here hold on to me
I'm right here waiting
And take my one last breath
And don't forget
That I will be right here waiting
"Not Now" Blink 182

Hello xD. Mt name is Collin. I live in IN. I go by Naota or Sora. Im a very out going person. Im really loud and love to talk. I also whatch anime. But not as much as i used to. I dont have much time on my hands im always with friennds doing crazy stuff.I have a ps3. My Psn is TacKill5 add me if you want biggrin and soon getting a Xbox. I Play online games alot. I like mmorpgs. Sometime FPss but not often. WEll. if you wanna talk comment or Pm

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Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

xI Kagamine Len Ix

Report | 11/21/2010 5:18 pm

xI Kagamine Len Ix

and I would laugh then run lol
xI Kagamine Len Ix

Report | 11/12/2010 2:45 pm

xI Kagamine Len Ix

Do they slap you and say "Stop being silly its illegal!" lol

Report | 11/03/2010 5:42 pm


rawr. im a friggin dino. biggrin and yeww wish you were a dino. but no. ur a~ ninja. yeah. a ninja bacon. omenb. idek. mountain dew. dont question it. just just just dont. just accept it. huh? stop talking weird oh mai gorsh. dont ya love when old people say warsh? warsh. warshhh. sorry. no not sorry. ACCEPT IT. biggrin or a llama will lick your ear. i know carl.
xI Kagamine Len Ix

Report | 11/02/2010 3:28 pm

xI Kagamine Len Ix

I never care what I do >:3
I usually do stupid things but not to the limit where I get in horrible trouble
xI Kagamine Len Ix

Report | 11/02/2010 3:03 pm

xI Kagamine Len Ix

I really just didn't care actually but I do my homework so no worries for me as long as I get it turned in
xI Kagamine Len Ix

Report | 11/02/2010 3:00 pm

xI Kagamine Len Ix

I do it like on the bus or in class and I turn it in the next day sometimes so no worries :3
xI Kagamine Len Ix

Report | 11/02/2010 2:55 pm

xI Kagamine Len Ix

I haven't done my homework I never do then I get in trouble for not doing it xD
I really don't care I've already been in summer school twice
xI Kagamine Len Ix

Report | 11/02/2010 2:03 pm

xI Kagamine Len Ix

Lol it pretty much is but its all cool :3
So what is up with you?
I'm being bored as usual biggrin
xI Kagamine Len Ix

Report | 11/01/2010 7:25 pm

xI Kagamine Len Ix

I almost said your happy to see me you know you are but I didn't
I like messin with him though its actually funny
xI Kagamine Len Ix

Report | 11/01/2010 6:11 pm

xI Kagamine Len Ix

Nahhhhhhh I could tell he was happy to see me ;3
Because I'm bringing sexy back xD
I started singing that it was so funny I saw him crack a smile when I started danceing