
Necropet's avatar

Gender: Female

Birthday: 09/21


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Peeping Toms


Who am I?

I'm a freak and proud of it, a nerd, a fetisher. While I have, at times, walked the narrow line of normalcy, it has never been who I am. I am the one waving to you from the edge, playing among the ghost lights that inhabit the space between light and total darkness. I am the one who would show you that there is so much more to life than you know...

Am I evil?

Of course not. ~laughs~

What makes me so different from you then?

I see what you do not, cannot, and are afraid to, and I accept it as it is. I walk in the shadowy places, the places you are afraid to go for fear of what dwells there, and I am unharmed, for I am kindred.

Would you be like me?

Open your eyes! See the world for its possibilities, not its limitations. See people for who they are, not what they look like. Take a step from the path you have been conditioned to tread. The vistas that open up are astonishing.

My Ardent-----------My Master


[u:7c582fb6a7][i:7c582fb6a7]My DeviantArt![/i:7c582fb6a7][/u:7c582fb6a7][/center:7c582fb6a7]


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Instacraze Report | 01/02/2010 10:13 pm
Thanks for buying(:
VonLied Report | 12/16/2009 10:54 am
heartless harpy Report | 11/26/2009 11:41 am
heartless harpy
happyz tanksgivin!
Azlantaru Report | 11/07/2009 3:17 pm
Why not. I believe my name will appear as Fay_neko.
Azlantaru Report | 11/07/2009 2:52 pm
Um, I think I have yahoo...but I haven't used it in a LONG time lol.
Azlantaru Report | 11/07/2009 2:39 pm
I'm sure there is. Also, the slow rules combined with the padded weapons meant it was near impossible to get hurt. For me though, I personally like the impact of a good punch or staff strike. But I have a slight masochism streak in me. >.<
Azlantaru Report | 11/07/2009 2:27 pm
I don't believe that there are a standard set of rules for larp. Every larp is different and made with different rules. The one that is near my area just had the slow motion fighting in order to prevent real injury.
Azlantaru Report | 11/07/2009 2:22 pm
Makes sense to me. I haven't actually done a larp either. I've heard about it, and I went to a larp practice once. That was kinda fun, though I admit, I wasn't really a fan of the one attack per second rule. I wanted to spar at full speed. >.<
Azlantaru Report | 11/06/2009 7:33 pm
Zombie apocalypse campaign? Sounds fun. Would this involve larp by any chance? Or something completely different?
insanedarkpuppy Report | 11/06/2009 2:05 pm
<3 <3 <3