Hey, my name is Brianna, I like Bri for short. My birthday is January 16th, yes I am a winter baby and proud of it too. What can I say about myself? Hmm, well i'm 15 going on 16, tall, skinny, brown eyes and brownish black hair, cute biggrin , funny and one of the sweetest girls you'll ever meet. I'm currently single, but hope to change that next year, if my special someone plays his cards right (: The single life can be good, but other times I just get really depressed.I have a bff/sister, her name is Mariah. We've been through everything together since 3rd grade.She's always been there for me and I'm always there for her.I think I covered everything, if you wanna chat or become friends just send me a PM or comment my profile smile
Talk to you later!
P.S. I love working out, going to the movies, driving, going to the mall, talking on the phone, texting, basically anything that keeps me out of the house and occupied.
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nice avi change lol!
is he looking the same? Lol.
Oh that sounds cool. Dont have too much fun ;D
So you gonna visit Trevor for the summer?