Me who else ?Der de der! did u take ur stupid pills or what ?

Inuyasha_Me_13's avatar


My awesome Sigi

About me!

Well pplz.
I'm 13 years old I looove Naruto Shippuden(the Akatsuki),Bleach(Itchigo & Rukia),Inuyasha(Shippo&Inuyasha),Fullmetal Alchemist,Full Metal Alchemist the Brotherhood(the Elric brothers)
I draw alot of Anime myself,I make up my own characters and sometimes draw some from TV shows.I'm am Currently making 2 separate Manga Series with 2 separate friends at school.
I'm not telling you my real name I will tell you my nickname & my name in Japanese. Nickname: Fluffy (don't ask why or I will punch your face in) and my name in Japanese:Kaatsutii
All of my life i have wanted to learn how to speak Japanese and go to Japan to go to art or anime college over there.I'm very honored to.I do realize i type alot.I do have several friends in fact this year of 2010 my friends and I from school are going to cosplay the Akatsuki from Naruto Half of us are girls(I am one don't pay attention to the guy avi) and the other half are males. We also have another friend of ours that is a girl who is going to cosplay Sasuke Uchiha.We are going to the mall in our area around halloween time.We are going to go in the food court and dance the Caramell Dansen,Lucky Star,Possibly the Mew mew song.and do cat fights between Itachi and Sasuke Uchiha,and since Itachi and Deidara are the Hores of the Akatsuki Me and another friend who is cosplaying him(happens to be a girl)are gonna do stupid yet s3xy poses,and then we are all gonna group together and do one last stupid pose with all of us dressed up as the Akatsuki,we might just maybe post it on youtube.
I will post a link for the video of we do one.