Me. :3

Fay 23's avatar

Last Login: 01/31/2013 6:37 am

Registered: 03/26/2008

Gender: Male

Location: The Country of Celes

Occupation: Magician

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Who I Am

Hello! My name is Fay (But you can call me Fye,Fai, Fai/Fay/Fye-san or Big Kitty X3 as well). I am a mage from the country of Celes. Right now I am currently traveling with Syaoran, Sakura, Kuro-rin, and Mokona on a quest to find all of Sakura's feathers, which contain bits of her memories. I tend to be happy-go-lucky and quite carefree, but there is more to me than meets the eye. A few people have been asking me why I say hyuuu occasionally. That is because I cannot whistle, so instead I say ~hyuuu. ^^
I do love to chat and make new friends, so don't be shy to do so! biggrin

Hello all, I am very sorry for no notice of my long absence. It has almost been two years since I was last active on gaia. Please excuse me if I act a bit noob-ish, I haven't been on in a while. xd

Edit: I have entered the Cosplay Avatar Arena with my avatar. Please vote for me here! Thanks! 3nodding

Some Very Nice People

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Lunime Report | 09/08/2012 10:59 am
*Pokie Pokie*
Sonic Spinner Report | 05/07/2012 2:42 pm
Sonic Spinner
Thanks, I thought you might. razz And of course I like it, I love Rhythm X! I would have to say though, it's kinda more like your avatar. Mine would melt it. > biggrin haha
Dorkabo Report | 09/11/2011 10:28 pm
o: I haven't really read any comics, but I've been tempted to start. xD Not sure on what I should really get into >u<;; I love pokemon! I was big on the game when it first came out, it's been a while since I've picked it up xD I just started trying to get into Yugioh. Got a deck for it and everything now. 3nodding But it's kinda weird to learn and I'm not sure how long I'll stick with it. sweatdrop
Dorkabo Report | 09/10/2011 11:44 am
Aww it's cool xD I bet it's all worth it in the end. 3nodding I wish I were still back in school. I don't do much now and days but a bit of math room and working. sweatdrop And it's cool to be a band geek. I'm a gamer geek. I play card games at a comic store every weekend. 4laugh
Dorkabo Report | 09/08/2011 5:36 pm
It's okay. I understand.. ;u; Everyone has been busy with school lately. I've been great, how about yourself? mrgreen
Dorkabo Report | 09/08/2011 5:19 am
I miss you!
Dorkabo Report | 08/14/2011 8:45 pm
Omg! whee Of course I remember you! How could I forget Fai? It has been a while XD How you been? :3
ANTIsocialButterflai Report | 08/14/2011 12:22 pm
omg... lolling at all your fangirls too btw.
aight, laters.
ANTIsocialButterflai Report | 08/14/2011 12:20 pm
woot mokuna 8D
thought i'd stalk you before i go to bed.
it's 5:20am.
we should talk more later, ay?
The-Diabolical-Nemo-chan Report | 12/29/2009 12:37 pm
I totally know the feeling!
I <3 my DS! X3
I'd probably die without it :0

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