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Me...Sara A. Fasching

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About Me

My name is Sara and I choose not to say my last name for those who like to stalk people or something. But I live in Aloha Oregon which is a really weird place to live. The best thing about it, is the Aloha pool and my friends. Sadly but weirdly I'm not really that tall...XD I am only 5' 3"-5' 4", I count that as kinda short. Just so you people know, if I don't get anything fast or as quickly as other people, I am in fact blond. I know people say the color of your hair doesn't affect your mind but I'm just a plain idiot when it comes to math or when it comes to figuring things out in my head, [[which is almost everyday]].! I can't think of anything else to say...lets see...OH. I have 2 biological older bros, and a older biological sis. Then the un-biological side is Hayley, Dart, Lauren, Justin, Aaron, Cris [[yea I know]], Jake Parks, etc. I can't think of anymore people.
Best for last, Jaxon. I am not single btw...Jaxon is the best guy I have ever met. He helps me with my problems and didn't run away when all I needed was a little pick-me-up towards happiness, and he gave me that and made it better. I love you so much Jaxon.

Well I think that's all you need to know about me. If you want to random talk, then I am one to talk to, I love random talking so talk to me if you need anything, just want to talk, want to find out more or anything. Love you all so much wink thanks for reading.

heart Me and my Hubby heart